“Some people build roads and then walk”

“Oh, shimmer down, Hunter. You’re too testy. How many times have I’ve told you that you need to chill out, take a vacay. Disney World is really fun this time of the year. you should check it out.”

“Anna: Ash, I don’t have anything planned with my Mother… She’s dead.Ashley: What?Anna: She died when I was seven. She drowned. It’s just my Dad and me. I didn’t tell you before because I just wanted a fresh start here, because before I moved, everybody knew about it and… I’m sorry.Ashley: ……. You’re like a Disney Princess!”

“How can the heart and mind work together? The mind wants logic and to travel in straight lines, while the heart wants to be free and travel upward in spirals to dizzying heights.”

“You can be happy or you can be unhappy. It’s justaccording to the way you look at things.”

“Well, spit on my empty grave–if it ain’t the attack of the Disney princesses!”

“If you don’t like Cinderella because she seems so “naive” and “weak,” listen to this quote from the Walt himself: “She believed in dreams, all right, but she also believed in doing something about them. When Prince Charming didn’t come along, she went over to the palace and got him.”