All Quotes By Tag: Faith
“The living must desire life.”
“Desire life.”
“Hope lives in everybody; faith is closer to us than we can imagine! When despair calls you, call your faith and awake your hope, so they may give answers!”
“Love Will Find You, Always.”
“Sincere faith comes from a pure heart.”
“We have nothing if not belief.”
“Faith is acknowledging what I can’t see as a means of embracing that which I cannot afford to miss.”
“Jesus is the Christ.”
“Nothing in the past has shaken the foundation of our faith. Nothing in the present can move it. Nothing in the future will undermine it. Whatever may occur in the ages to come, there will always be good reason for believing in Jehovah and his faithful Word. The great truths he has revealed will never be disproved. The great promises he has made will never be retracted. The great purposes he has devised will never be abandoned. So long as we live, we will always have a refuge, a hope, a confidence, that can never be removed. “I will bear you up when you turn gray” is not just a promise for those in old age. But it is also a promise to the people of God at any and every period between their birth and their death.”
“The only fight worthwhile is the fight of faith.”
“The good shepherd saves his sheep.”
“There exist joy in sorrow.”
“He who awakes, must first be aware.”
“God’s love is enough for me to live life.”
“It is never too late to start now.”