All Quotes By Tag: Faith
“Every new day is a dawn of a new divine order.”
“It is a great truth that you will rise again. It is a sweeter truth that you will “always be with the Lord.” Whatever else you draw comfort from, neglect not this deep, clear, and over-flowing well of delight. There are other sources of good cheer in connection with the glory to be revealed, for heaven is a many-sided joy, but still none can excel the glory of communion with Jesus Christ, wherefore comfort one another in the first place and most constantly, with these words, “So we will always be with the Lord.”
“To deny the reality is to be exposed to strong delusion.”
“For everything that happens there is an implication”
“Pray , if you must prevailed.”
“The present equipped us for the future.”
“If you BELIEVE, you can BEHOLD.”
“In the midst of the dawn of sunshine, armed with faith and hope, we enter the splendid and bright New Year.”
“All the questions we seek, we possess the answers to. Fear is our normal and typical blocker of all things wonderful within us.”
“It is better to turned many souls from sin than to make them stumble in sin.”
“The Word of God is never mere words.”
“Kindle your own fire within your spirit.”
“Every prayer is a possibility.”
“Consistent hard work will always bring consistent miracles.”
“A Call For The Overthrow Of The World Government!”