All Quotes By Tag: God
“I tell myself that I am what I need. But it is quite evident that what I need is what I’m not. And the greatest thing I’m not is God.”
“Impossible’ as defined by us is a ‘walk in the park’ as defined by God. And as I think about it, I really need to spend more time in parks.”
“Evolution self-destructs morality”
“Morality makes sense only in a theonomous culture”
“Instead of pointing fingers at ‘criminals’ like Gun wielding terrorists, cold-blooded murders, gruesome rapists, juvenile delinquents (by the way they are mere humans akin to you and me!)…let’s see where we stand with regard to the question of our own moral standing before the moral law giver”
“Let’s not play God to define what is ‘good’ for us”
“Half of the time I think I know what I’m doing. The other half of the time I’m doubting that I really knew what I was doing the first half of the time. So that leaves me turning to God all of the time.”
“In medieval times, the learned man, the teacher was a servant of God wholly, and of God only. His freedom was sanctioned by an authority more than human…The academy was regarded almost as a part of the natural and unalterable order of things. … They were Guardians of the Word, fulfilling a sacred function and so secure in their right. Far from repressing free discussion, this “framework of certain key assumptions of Christian doctrine” encouraged disputation of a heat and intensity almost unknown in universities nowadays. …They were free from external interference and free from a stifling internal conformity because the whole purpose of the universities was the search after an enduring truth, besides which worldly aggrandizement was as nothing. They were free because they agreed on this one thing if, on nothing else, fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.”
“To think that God pens history solely as a retelling of ‘what was’ is to miss the extraordinary fact that history is God’s initiation to ‘what can be.’ And Christmas is one of the greatest moments in history which renders it one of the greatest invitations of our life.”
“God will always want me more than I will want Him. And it seems quite reasonable to me that the greatest way that I can expend my life is to work on closing that gap.”
“If there is a God, he will have to beg my forgiveness.”
“You are not for any reason less than whom God created you to be, don’t live like a dwarf where you are seen as a giant.”
“How irresponsible of Him to allow terrible things to happen o those who didn’t deserve it. Could God see and hear through prison walls and across cell bars? If He could not, He was not all-powerful. If He could, and still did nothing to help those in need, He was not merciful. Either way, He was not what He claimed to be. He was an impostor.”
“Believers favour answers over questions, clarity over uncertainty. Athiests, more or less the same. Funny, when it comes to God, Whom we know next to nothing about, very few of us actually say, ‘I don’t know.”
“People fear God, retribution, karma, the devil, when really it is only each other they have to fear.”