“Time has no beginning or ending”

“Time has no limitation and boundary and it moves continuously at its own pace”

“Nothing is independent of time”

“Being a person who pushes himself to his or her own limits in order to become as great as he or she can possibly be means being a person who is constantly faced with some kind of fear. May it be mental or physical, may you be an athlete or a writer, YOU are facing fear, every single day, by doing something your mind or body never did before. But by overcoming that fear you take one step higher on the ladder, and the goal is to take those steps every single day.”

“Success is within the reach of just about everyone.”

“The higher the obstacles, the higher we get to rise”

“We ought to relentlessly ignore excuses, especially those we are told by ourselves.”

“He knew now that it was his own will to happiness which must make the next move. But if he was to do so, he realized that he must come to terms with time, that to have time was at once the most magnificent and the most dangerous of experiments. Idleness is fatal only to the mediocre.”

“One problem with the black man is too much emphasis on the miraculous, which indicates to them that they can circumvent principles, practices, philosophies, processes, procedures, and planning to achieve greatness. There is nothing more delusionary than that. The miraculous is a circumstantial intervention of divinity in the affairs of humanity. That Jesus multiplied bread and fish did not prevent men and women from opening bakeries and fishing the next day. The black man would have started a “Fish and Bread Multiplication” ministry. This kind of mindset makes religion an assassin of the intellect and creates a bunch of irresponsible citizenry that outsources their problems to God, when He expects them to use their brains. Problems that can be solved with our minds are outsourced to God in prayers.”

“By not stepping into your greatness, you are letting down everyone around you whom you can inspire, touch, or influence.”

“Dare to be great.”

“The greatest mementos are the memories.”

“Dreams provide the inspiration for all great things in this world.”

“It is good to have your own vision, but it is dangerous not to run with it.”

“take criticism, smash it into dust, add color & use it to paint breathtaking images of unicorns frolicking thru endless fields of greatness”