“Hindsight is a dangerous game”

“Experience is the benefit of the past.Opportunity is the benefit of the present.Hope is the benefit of the future.Live your best life right now, at this exact moment. You can’t fix the future harboring on yesterday’s mistakes.”

“The night before, she had thought the last of her hopes dried up; and yet the sun had risen again this morning, and in the path of its warm rays she had discovered one final blossom.”

“The arch of history may be long, but it bends away from reality.”

“The arch of history may be long, but it never bends away from reality.”

“Is not the circumstances, but your attitude of gratitude, faith and grace, that will bring you serendipity and good fortune everyday.”

“God Doesn’t Love Me The Way I Deserve…He Loves Me The Way He Desires…”

“Geyer and Gary looked at each other and wearily sat down. All the weeks of travel in the hottest months of the year investigating lead after lead, alternating between faith, hope, discouragement, and despair.”

“How amazing these words are that slowly come to me. How wonderfully on and on they go.Will the words end, I askwhenever I remember to.Nope, my sister says, all of five years oldnow,and promising meinfinity.”

“If there is any period one would desire to be born in, ⎯ is it not the age of Revolution; whenthe old and the new stand side by side, and admit of being compared; when the energies of all men are searched by fear and by hope; when the historic glories of the old, can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era? This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.”

“The only and last words she remembered her mother told her before she became mute was,“You have to remember Pollyanna. In Naraka, you can never ever trust anyone. “She sighed. One of those long sighs that would make her cough till she puked blood. Polly could recall the revolting rotten smell of blood, “no one is your friend here. Do you understand? No one” Umber blood dripping from the corner of her lips, “They might be nice to you only for the lake. This lake is like your life. You have to protect it. This is the only way you can live a long life” she spit the blood and mucus in a piece of filthy cloth. “But mom. Why should we live a long life when it’s a very bad time to live and many bad people want to kill us?” “Because your innocent dreams still have colors and power and we have to keep them that way”

“I am not who I was. I am not even who I was yesterday. Tomorrow I will be new again, and again, until I am completely the woman I was meant to be.”

“My hope is in God, therefore, I am helped.”

“Healing a hurting humanity starts with a sacred pause, to listen, to learn, to understand, to accept, to forgive, to respect. That sacred pause transcends the fear-driven brutality of the primitive human survival intinct and makes way for a thoughtful, intentional, peaceful, humane response. Peaceful coexistence on this lovely planet is not impossible. It is imperative. Our future, our humanity, our very survival depends on it.”