“We are each other’s miracles.”

“[F]or he had heard an inarticulate promise: he has been pierced by Spring, that sharp knife. And life unscales its rusty weathered pelt, and earth wells out in tender exhaustless strength, and the cup of a man’s heart runs over with dateless expectancy, tongueless promise, indefinable desire. Something gathers in the throat, something blinds him in the eyes, and faint and valorous horns sound through the earth.”

“Somewhere there is a man who is not afraid to live in a woman’s hope”

“She looks up into the darkening sky, she knows she’ll never stop hoping. Never stop searching the stars, wondering whether any of them could be the one Abel someday calls home.”

“Having faith is bravery. Faith requires no evidence, just tremendous strength of spirit and a mind that conquers doubt.”-Shenita Etwaroo”

“Glad would he have been to know its fate who wrought it slowly long ago’, comments the narrator; and his comment shows that the ancient smith was not glad, did not know, was condemned to defeat and death and oblivion in the barrows. Still, even after thousands of years hope should not be lost; nor relied on.”

“Sometimes we close our eyes to things, hoping people will change.”

“Blossoms of HOPE bloom every day not like other blossoms just in the month of May”

“However desperate your life may seem, there is hope. And no matter how dire your circumstances may appear, you can rise above them.”

“You see, I was my own monster. When you don’t have hope, something can grow inside of you that will just keep hurting, biting, snarling, and you can sink farther and let that monster overtake you.Some people don’t fight back. They might hurt others, hurt themselves, or just—relinquish the fight for happiness.”

“She always picks the most boring things on the rack, always in basic black. If it’s shaped like a sack, even better.””Maybe it feels easier that way, just being invisible instead of always worrying what people think of you.”Nim’s voice was surprisingly emphatic. “But that’s a choice too, right? Because people are always going to look. They’re always going to judge, so you can say nothing or you can at least answer back.”


“The past is a novel, written by Fate, weaving the same themes: love and its glory, hate and its prisoners, the soul and its price. Our decisions become narratives: fated choices that unknowably change the course of the living river. In the present, where decisions and connections are made, Fate waits on the riverbank of Story, leaving us to our mistakes and miracles, because it’s our will alone that leads us to one or the other.”

“Your dream is always valid until you lose moral to chase it.”