All Quotes By Tag: Hope
“Il y a tellement de gens qui se ratent pour de mauvaises raisons. Quel risque y a-t-il à voler un peu de bonheur ?”
“She looks at me, ‘No other test is required. Maybe you can take a pill.’ ‘What kind of pills?’ She looks at me tenderly, ‘Chill Pill…’ And follows it with a wink.”
“Dangling form the trap’s steel teeth by his wounded leg, a lesser creature might have closed his eyes and prayed for nothing more than a quick death. But if Koja had words then he had hope.”
“I can’t stand to hope unless there’s a reason to.”
“Our words may not cause plants to sprout, but they can make hope spring forth in a human heart.”
“Risk arrestRunPlay a children’s gameHire a sitterLift baggageOpen doorsOpen a windowOpen your mindExpand your patienceFeel peaceCause excitementKiss the children”
“Create childish words. Comminglewhat you feel with determined,mesmerizing, musicalvoices whispering cry smile wonder.”
“HOPE grows like a flower when someone in need knows that you care.”
“There were countless injustices and difficulties in this world, but small points of light too, where the darkness was held back.”
“It is difficult to be an artist, because what you can see needs to be done and what you can achieve are generally two very opposite things. The two are like yin and yang, north and south, positive and negative. What you see is just totally opposite of what the reality can be, and that’s unfortunate. But there are things we can do. Writers can either repave–we fill in some of the cracks in the road that are already there–or we start to knock down some of the weeds to make a clearing in the wilderness.”
“Quite the opposite actually. I think having hope is one of the most important things you can do. Once you let go of it, despair takes over. Despair will kill you quicker than hope ever could. So if you’re going to hold onto something…I’m glad it’s that.”
“Aspiration is the engine of human life. Aspiration in the biological sense of breathing and cellular activity that connote fundamental life, but also, and as importantly, aspiration in the sense of hope. Hope for peace. Hope for compassion. Hope for the Earth. A solid belief in the basic goodness of humanity.”
“The freed self searches for the bright star that unlocks the doors of peace and rebirth.”
“A SON’S PRAYEROh dear God,help my dadevery dayhe sure needs it”
“Find your souland keep it in your heart.Feed it, honor itfor what it is, your presencein this world, open,fresh, inspirational.”