“He smiles a little. This is the point of being a teacher. A glimmer of hope where you thought it didn’t exist.”

“Hope crushed is another suicide waiting to happen.”

“Does this not tell you that grief, as well as in life, there is always something to look forward to beyond?”

“When the results are not there, work. When the results are there, work.”

“Our personal ripple effect is the power of one generating hope and change in others for a better world. Like ripples radiating across the surface of a pond when a pebble is tossed in, kindness is powerful and has far-reaching, positive ramifications that bring about a tremendous sense of joy.”

“Sometimes, the grass is not greener on the other side, and we should stay in the field where we belong. And sometimes we just need to take a gamble and hope for the best.”

“My life might be in the streets, but my heart is gold. And together, I’m a street of gold.”

“Hope was a dangerous thin. It filled you up. It made you believe in things you might never have but could not give up on.”

“Hope is important. It allows you to survive.But there’s a point where tough love is required if you want to change.Action is necessary. It allows you to live.”

“Every shadow of doubt is cast from a candle of hope.”

“Heavens, chile, you gonna wake up awright. To a brand new day. ‘Cos de Lawd use de nighttime to wash de day clean!”… Another beloved term left over from her childhood, signaling the time just before dawn, when the sun first begins to stir, chasing night clouds away and painting the glory of eternal rays all over the darkened canvas of the sky. A time of hope and forgiveness.”

“Nature has buffered out children not only physically–prepubescent children have the lowest death rate from all causes– but psychologically as well, by endowing them with hope, abundant and irrational.”

“I feel a swell of pride. This. This right here is why I wanted to become a teacher. To know that it is possible to change the world for the better, in however small a way.”

“Il y a tellement de gens qui se ratent pour de mauvaises raisons. Quel risque y a-t-il à voler un peu de bonheur ?”

“She looks at me, ‘No other test is required. Maybe you can take a pill.’ ‘What kind of pills?’ She looks at me tenderly, ‘Chill Pill…’ And follows it with a wink.”