“Days are worth silver. Months are worth gold. Years are worth diamonds. Eternity is priceless treasure.”

“Sometimes the things we do second time around are better and hold more value because we take the time to reflect and review, and revive them through a higher love. Don’t be afraid to try again and do-over with greater wisdom, a fresh set of eyes, and a renewed hope. Life is not a straight line of first time successes. It’s the road that is paved with failure and seemingly wrong turns that provides us with character, emotional grit and inner muscle to find new perspectives. The only expiry date to your dreams, intentions or goals is the one you allow to soak into your soul.”

“Some days are not as beautiful and some nights not as wonderful, you need to be careful not worry about the hurtful things of life, just focus on what is meaningful.”

“Continued self-improvement is necessary if one’s true ambition is to continually evolving both intellectually and holistically. Now this is the common intent of all ideals and the way of surpassing not only our limitations but also transcending far above greatness. Shemar Stephens”

“Just as a candle is useless until you light it, so a man is useless until the fire inside his soul is lit.”

“When life gives you lemons, don’t waste your time making lemonade.”

“Trailing clouds of glory do we come, from God, who is our home …”

“Trailing clouds of Glory do we come, from God, who is our home…”

“Wir können die Welt nur ändern wenn wir beginnen, sie mit anderen Augen zu sehen.”

“In the beginning of everything, there was nothing. But an idea created the rest.”