All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Whole world is a school for those who wish to learn..”
“Oh, how our persuasive and innocent little minds masquerade our true dreams and expectations.”
“Weak words can never carry the weight of strong feelings.”
“What you sow in your mind you reap in your soul.”
“If light took orders from darkness, there would be no stars.”
“Faith is the ship, fear is the ocean, courage is the captain.”
“No two persons ever read the same book.”
“An ounce of positivity conquers a ton of negativity.”
“The only thing standing between you and everything you’ve ever wanted is doing what it takes to have it.”
“Ignorance is the prison that most people are kept in”
“Business is the best art”
“Don’t let your fears consume your destiny”
“For you to rise up, you need to give up on that which is constantly pulling you down.”
“The power of imagination makes us infinite”
“Assumptions convert truth into lies and lies into truth”