“Success stories begin with a decision. The decision to go beyond what you are. When you decide that your present station is not your destination, you are already half-way there.”

“The future is found through Revelation by the sweet small still voice, the Holyspirit,-Maxwell Smith Agyeman”

“It’s the perfect recipe for reducing stress and having a pleasant and productive evening.”

“Researchers have shown a renewed interest in essential oil as a means of combating antibiotic-resistant infections.”

“There isn’t one story in the world that exist today that talks about triumph or success, where will was not attached. You have to to have will and drive- more than just saying that you “want” something or want to do something. You have to do it. – The Affidavit of Niedria Dionne Kenny”

“Yesterday is forgotten, today I plant my seeds in the bed of soil that grows into tomorrow, my garden.Tomorrow my garden. – oohGiovanni”

“I took control of my life the day I decided to be the one behind the wheel, the day I stopped chasing and started leading the way.”

“There are times when a time from my childhood comes to me, swirls around me, teases me as I try to catch the memory in my hands, as I try to catch the scents, the sounds, the warmth of the sun on my young face. In bare feet, I reach for it, the memory that is. I reach for summer nights, playing chase, reach across a thousand miles to the comfort of my father’s voice, to the rush of heat when my mother opens the oven to check on the baking, reach toward the rush of laughter, toward home, toward the glory days of my youth. The only way to catch an elusive memory is to open my heart and swallow it whole. When I die, I’ll be stuffed full of memories, too many to fit into a casket.”

“Helping someone who does not help.It will kill you emotionally , kill your happiness and leaving you with regrets.”

“Giving your time to someone who does not it.It will kill you emotionally , kill your happiness and leaving you with regrets.”

“Apple cider vinegar is so much more than a delicious addition to a recipe. There are multiple health benefits from consuming and applying diluted apple cider vinegar.”

“We live in a fast-paced world and we need to slow down in many areas of our lives.”

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“When people ask “where are you now” tell them, you’re living your best life.”