“I may appear to be a broken pencil now but one day you will need me to dot you ‘i’ and cross your ‘t’.”

“Understanding how little we know is crucial to gaining knowledge.”

“Neatness and cleanliness is not a function of how rich or poor you are but that of mentality and principle.”

“Your time is the most valuable asset with you; invest it, where you get best returns.”

“The only thing that hurts harder than a failure is not trying.”

“To attain knowledge, learn continuously. To become wise, observe continuously.”

“Nowadays, focusing on transferring applicable knowledge is a very challenging task that all teachers face.”

“Always maintain a steady eye on what you know is yours for the taking, and plot with all the energy you can muster to reach it.”

“The reoccurring thoughts of leaving are the signs that will let you know it is time to quit and find prosperity somewhere else.”

“People’s judgments, criticisms and power games won’t hit you as hard when your plan is greater than the assault.”

“If you can plan ahead into the future, you will also be able to detach yourself from minor difficulties today.”

“We sometimes rejects God plans, because we have our own plans. Then later wonder why we suffer and why God has abandon us or allowing bad things to happen to us. Before you rejects God plans and follow your own. Remember God doesn’t make mistakes we do.”

“Communication is Key.Most of the time people get into trouble not because they have done something wrong, but it is because they didn’t communicate when something wrong was happening.”

“Being a writer is 1% inspiration, 50% perspiration and 49% explaining you’re not a millionaire like J.K.Rowling.”