“You can be a person with a strong passion or holy anger and be furious in a way that will make the society safer, godly, with social justice and equity.”

“Just an emotional response of sentiments will only lead to tiredness and weariness.”

“Whatever your passion, make sure you hold unto a philosophy that is bigger and greater than you.”

“There is no one that cannot make an impact in this world.”

“To be able to impact the society and to be an agent of change, you have to make yourself available to serve.”

“To be honorable, you have to make sacrifices for others.”

“God loves justice and He desires mankind to love the same.”

“When everybody contributes a change to what he or she notices, it is then we will change our world.”

“To be compassionate, you have to forget your own comfort zone and live well because you live beyond yourself.”

“Just as you are what you think, you are also what you dream.”

“What bothers you today or gives you concerns could be a signpost to your purpose in life.”

“Stay with your passion but have a philosophy that is beyond your strength so that you can have a legacy, even a legacy that will outlast you.”

“A steward in the above scripture is a servant who serves.”

“Wherever you are, be ready to create the enabling spiritual atmosphere for the sake of the kingdom of God.”

“The kingdom of God is depending on you to make the atmosphere more conducive for the purpose of prospering the Kingdom of God.”