“The truth is crazier than lies because lies are required to stick to possibilities—the truth isn’t.”

“When you find a truth that surpasses your desire to fit trends and meet approval, you can be certain it’s worth fighting to spread.”

“On doit tous être pareils. Nous ne naissons pas libres et égaux, comme le proclame la Constitution, on nous rend égaux. Chaque homme doit être l’image de l’autre, comme ça, tout le monde est content; plus de montagnes pour les intimider, leur donner un point de comparaison. Conclusion ! Un livre est un fusil chargé dans la maison d’à côté. Brûlons-le. Déchargeons l’arme. Battons en brèche l’esprit humain. Qui sait qui pourrait être la cible de l’homme cultivé ?”

“Il sentit son corps se scinder en deux, devenir chaleur et froidure, tendresse et dureté, tremblement et impassibilité, chaque moitié grinçant contre l’autre.”

“Après tout, on vit à l’époque des Kleenex. On fait avec les gens comme avec les mouchoirs, on froisse après usage, on jette, on en prend un autre, on se mouche, on froisse, on jette. Tout le monde se sert des basques du voisin.”

“Will these millions of children, for generations upon future generations, know that some of their atoms cycled through this woman? […] Will they feel what she felt in her life, will their memories have flickering strokes of her memories, will they recall that moment long ago when she stood by the window, guilt ridden and confused, and watched as the tadr bird circled the cistern? No, it is not possible. […] But I will let them have their own brief glimpse of the Void, just at that moment they pass from living to dead, from animate to inanimate, from consciousness to that which has no consciousness. For a moment, they will understand infinity.”

“Here lies one from a distant star, but the soil is not alien to him, for in death he belongs to the universe.”

“Mouth curving in a slow smile, he crouched and studied her appearance. “Hmm, you look too neat and composed. Boris won’t buy it.”She lifted her chin. “What am I supposed to look like?”“Like I’ve had my hands all over you,” he purred with a wicked grin. “I have a reputation to maintain, Lady Griffin.”She raised an eyebrow. “Are you trying to say you’re actually proud of this reputation?”“Let’s just say it’s well-deserved.”

“Ten pushups reminded me that I, Kiran McVarras, do not take any abuse and do not forget those who insult me.”

“Fantasy novels reveal “emergency escape routes” from reality. Romance novels dish out a banquet of Eye Candy. Otherworldly passion erupts when the two collide in an epic novel of unforgettable characters and dire circumstances.”

“Uh-oh, big boy. Your blood is in the water and the sharks are circling. Must be feeding time.”–Mea Brin, The Huntress”

“The features of character are carved out of adversity.”

“Mistakes? That’s why they put erasers on pencils.”

“Maligned –powerfully-drawn characters acting out a disturbing view of our future.” -David Compton, New York Times Best-Selling author”

“The first rule in the book of love is acceptance.”