“Since I forgot to beg my alms yesterday,I am hungry and weak today.And since I am hungry and weak today,I didn’t beg my alms for tomorrow.What tomorrow will bring to me,I do not know, I do not care.Yet within this uncertainty,I am contented and gratified,That You chose me to be like this.Overfilling my heart with love for You,And my soul thirsty dry for Your love,That I die everynight crying for Your love,And I born everyday for to love You again.”

“The Bad News is that Devil is playng on all sides, The Good News is so is God”

“My life is my testimony.”

“If today is your past come tomorrow, then make your past your future of today.”

“Strongest drug in existence is love, even God is addicted to it.”

“Your heart of devotion and obedience is not in vain. Who knows but God how many people have come near to you and were forever changed simply by the fragrance of his love in you? Who knows but God if he will put you before kings and leaders to speak the truth, redirecting the future of nations? Who knows when that small crack in the dam of our enemy’s plans will give way and God’s glory will truly cover the earth as the sea? Do not become distracted or discouraged by the death around you. Death must always give way when the life of Christ enters the picture.”

“ولو ظل الإنسان ينكر كل ما لا يحسه لما خسر بذلك الأديان وحدها، بل خسر معها العلوم والمعارف وقيم الآداب والأخلاق.”

“Keep it simple and keep it real. The more basic we see our connection to God and Spirit, the easier it is to feel like you’re a part of it.”

“One of the greatest gifts from God is the eternal perspective. It is a level of fearlessness, a level of understanding where one can experience even emotional harmony with God.”

“Everyone claims to be okay with freedom of religion, but the moment you mention God there is a strange tension that fills the air. If there was a 6th sense, that would be it.”

“Faith, in its most correct form, never removes responsibility; it removes fear of responsibility. The results are complete opposites with the greater saying, ‘God’s will is my delight.”

“Verily, knowledge is a lock and its key is the question.”

“Let me say no more. Words do no justice to the hidden meaning. Everything immediately becomes slightly different when it is expressed in words, a little bit distorted, a little foolish…It is perfectly fine with me that what for one man is precious wisdom for another sounds like foolery.”

“Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9”

“Come to think of it, maybe God is a He after all, because only a cruel force would create something this beautiful and make it inaccessible to most people.”