All Quotes By Tag: Spirituality
“In the world of so-called civilized and intelligent humans, there are only two accepted ways to see religion – one is the way of the believer, and the other is the one of the non-believer. But there is a third way – the way of the real religious person – the way of the real scientist – the way of the real yogi. It is the way where you see religion as it is, that is, an organized structure which helps people go through their daily life with as little hitch as possible. And as such, every organized structure has its pros and cons.”
“Cleanliness is not next to godliness, it is godliness. When the mind is cleansed of all primordial impurities, then and then only real godliness of actual practical potential begins to manifest.”
“Cleanliness is not next to godliness, it is godliness.”
“We will explore the sacred relationships that exist between science, religion and everything in-between. It is the in-between territory that is oft overlooked, seldom realized, an area that terrifies religionists and scientists alike.”
“It is not I who live, but the Lord (& Taylor) that liveth within me.”
“La Religion ne signifie pas obéir à certaines règles issues de livres écrits il y a des centaines ou des milliers d’années. La Religion signifie la réalisation du soi.”
“Ils disent, aime Dieu, car c’est la plus grande des vertus. Je dis, aime l’humain, car il n’y a pas plus grande vertu, ni religion, que l’amour de l’humanité.”
“There was a pond right next to the house I grew up in. One afternoon while playing by the pond, I accidentally fell in it. There was nobody around at that time as it was afternoon and everybody was sleeping, and I was yet to learn swimming. So, I prayed to all the gods and goddesses like all the adult kids did in that culture. But no god or deity came to my rescue. So, I struggled under the murky water and finally managed to survive by pulling myself to the bank. Perhaps that was the first sign I received from Nature about the true helplessness of life. While you are drowning, no god is going to come to your rescue, so learn to swim my friend, because it is only you, the living god on earth, who can save yourself and nobody else. The only god there is, is your will to live – so, be aware of that Himalayan will and make it as conscientious as possible, for then only, can your godliness have any impact upon your life as well as the lives of others.”
“The language of light can only be decoded by the heart. Truth can only be seen by those with truth in them.”
“Religion is the path of divisions, boundaries and narrowness. Spirituality is the path of love, light, beauty and oneness.”
“If religion is about the sacred as opposed to the profane, the spirit as opposed to matter, the Creator as opposed to the created, Confucianism plainly does not qualify. But perhaps what we are to learn from this tradition is not that Confucianism is not a religion but that not all religious people parse the sacred and the secular the way Christians do.”
“The best religion or practice is the one that makes us better. (42)”
“When religious groups in a conflict eliminate the personal element and perceive themselves as representatives of collectives, heir actions tend to become more “radical” and “merciless.” (Ch.3, by Jaco Cilliers, p. 48)”
“The fact that religions, which usually have at their core a promotion of tolerance and peace, have been exploited to carry out violence clearly indicates that individuals and groups have not discovered the true “peace message” that is inherent in almost every religion. (by Cilliers, Ch. 3, p. 55)”
“The process of reconciliation implies that people who want to engage in interfaith cooperation should be prepared to reflect critically on their own religious tradition. They should also contemplate what place their own religious tradition assigns to people of other faith traditions. (by Cilliers, Ch. 3, p. 52)”