All Quotes By Tag: Success
“Is YOUR brand consistent and congruent with your desired outcomes?”
“Whether you are in business or simply want to be remembered positively, frankly consider these things: What makes you feel special and significant? What makes you unforgettable? When people see or think of you, what image do you think comes to mind?”
“Since nothing stays the same, the great news is that, at any moment, you have the ability and power to move the needle in the direction of your dreams and create a brand that best represents you.”
“You can re-design your life, learn a new skill, update your appearance, offer a new service, or even change your attitude.”
“You can always create the space to Review, Redo, and Renew as I teach in my book Release the Power of Re3. If you feel it is time to refresh your brand, take a moment to rethink your relevance and apply my 3-step formula.”
“How can you stand apart from the herd? How can you start to be noticed so people will remember you? How can you be heard above the noise? “What is your personal branding that makes you special, unique, individual, and memorable?”
“Don’t let societies perceptions and opinions define who you are as a person. Where is it written that you cannot be great at more than one thing?”
“As I began examining my successes and failures, what I gradually realized was that the very same activities that had rescued me from failure, that had carried me from the failure line up to the survival line, would also rescue me from average and carry me from the survival line to the success line-IF I WOULD JUST KEEP DOING THEM.”
“Is your branding serving your needs for positive impact? Is it paving the way for a great first impression on people when they meet you, think of you, speak of you, or even see you on the Internet? If not, it’s time for a change, and it is perfectly within your control.”
“What is YOUR personal brand? How are you packaging your unique talents, style, personality and/or products to represent who you are, what you do, and how you show yourself to the world?”
“Whether it is in the way you walk, talk, dress, or behave, your personal brand impacts how people react and respond to you. It is the essence of what makes you likable, knowable, and trustworthy. And it is what can make you memorable and sought after in the marketplace.”
“It is no longer a matter of IF you have a personal brand–it is a question of “How is it working for you?” Does it best express your intentions, your uniqueness, and your service offering? Is it helping or hindering your progress and success in business?”
“Being prepared not only reduces our stress level and keeps us from looking stupid, but it builds the confidence that other people have in us that we are dependable, reliable and can be counted upon.”
“Stairs to success are made of people.”
“You are capable of great things.Show up.Show up consistently.Show up consistently with a positive outlook.Be prepared for and committed to the long haul.Cultivate a burning desire backed by faith.Be willing to pay the price.And do the things you’ve committed to doing-even when you don’t feel like it, even when no one else is watching.”