“You cannot reach success only by working hard, you also need to be working smart.”

“Building something that matters is a marathon, not a sprint.”

“Every step we take toward the top is possible because of all the little steps we took in the past.”

“The future, when it comes, is just like the present. The present is all you have and the opportunity of the present is worth more than the success of the past or the promise of the future.”

“Work is meant to create a desired outcome. If your work is not creating the dream, what are you working on?”

“People who feel excluded get angry and act out their anger in the team. No man is an island, no person can function isolated from the group. When you create a team, any kind of team, inclusion is fundamental. Without every member feeling deeply that he or she belongs to that group there is no team.”

“Failure is not an option but it is constantly a possibility. You manage your success by managing both the technical and the social risk.”

“Social context and NOT individual abilities drives performance, success or failure of a team or a project.”

“Expressing authentic appreciation doesn’t cost you anything and the outcomes are simply wonderful.”

“Social context trumps reason and social context drives your behaviors with an influence akin to an invisible force. We naturally adapt our behaviors to the context.”

“As humans, we unconsciously embrace the group’s beliefs and behaviors without questioning them or surrender to their opinions.”

“Failure opens the door to the most powerful lessons and discoveries – but it does so only if you have the courage to accept reality and look failure in the eye.”

“When you address and acknowledge unpleasant realities, your creativity begins to soar and you come up with apparently magical solutions to problems.”

“Marketing and promoting doesn’t come down to the likes, the pins, the plus ones, the followers, the fans, the friends, the views, or the plays online. Marketing and promoting comes down to the conversions.”

“A truly successful person is not one who achieves his highest ambitions, but one who enjoys helping others reach theirs.”