All Quotes By Tag: Success
“Have 10 friends who believe in your dreams than 100 friends who never do. It’s not about numbers; it’s about purpose.”
“Like everyone else, you want to learn the way to win, but never to accept the way to lose, to accept defeat, to learn to die is to be liberated from it. So when tomorrow comes, you must free your ambitious mind, and learn the art of dying.”
“If there were formula for success, mathematicians would have definitely held the top spot in the world’s richest list.”
“Initially, inspiration can come from anywhere but to sustain inspiration one must take actions immediately before it fades away.”
“People don’t become great and successful by just having potentials, they become great and successful by converting their potentials. Potentials by themselves are of no value and mean nothing, it is their conversion that makes all the difference”
“You may have a thousand potentials inside of you but you will hardly achieve greatness if you don’t convert those potentials. Having potentials is cheap, the costly price of greatness is in the process of their conversion”
“Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life – all areas of life. The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity.”
“Sound body, serene mind, smiling face and sensible society is enough to live a satisfying social life.”
“Fuck that! You think I’m gonna let the nigger get a gun? I’m gonna handle this shit now.”
“A wise man learns from his failures. A brilliant man learns how not to fail.”
“K.C. wanted to look fancy for the crowd. I just wanted to kick his ass and embarrass him in front of everyone, to get him back. I did just that.”
“I went home later that night, thinking about everything. I wanted revenge for my cousin, but what did I know about revenge?”
“Achieving success is not easy nor it is final, but sustaining one prolonged is a lot harder. Remember the road to success is often an uphill battle with many obstacles, along the way, you may fail more than once in this horrendous journey before reaching the summit. Keep in mind, none of the failures is fatal as long as you have the courage to get up after each fall, shake the dust off, and try even harder in your next attempt. After all, the process and the iron-will to continue counts more than the actual achievement of success.”
“Society breeds convention.Individualism breeds invention.”
“After that everyone understood that if they had to fight me, it was going to take a while, and like all bullies, they wanted an easy target.”