All Quotes By Tag: Success
“Don’t Concern about the outcome of your work, if you are struggling with the correct attitude and in the right direction, your success comes to you.”
“The greatness of a nation is dependent on the potentials of its citizens. Great nations don’t make great people, only great people make great nations”
“If you want to make your independent identity, that staircase to success is a combination of ‘The Confluence of Talent’ & ‘Knowledge Sharing”
“We are only as great as the least among us.”
“Sweat is a release of fat, of pain, of victory!”
“Your inner voice is the most powerful coach you will ever have.”
“To change your body, you must first change your mind.”
“In my view, he alone wins who does not desire to win, and he who wants to win loses.If someone is desiring and striving to win in life, it means that deep down he is lacking something, that he is suffering from an inferiority complex. Deep down, such a person is aware of the inferiority he is trying to cover through winning. And if, on the other hand, someone is not out to win it means he is already established in his eminence, there is not even a shade of inferiority in him to disprove by resorting to winning.”
“Be sore tomorrow—not sorry.”
“Education wouldn’t stop you from passing over opportunities repeatedly. You can be educated and still be poor. It’s only your ‘true intelligence’ that would make you face one single cause until you succeed. You have no idea of what’s gonna happen next, so you gotta open your eyes wide to see. Life is all about ‘improvisation’ and not those sacred certificates.”
“I am Not In This Place By Chance, I am Called , Chosen And Ordained; This Is Why I Fit In Perfectly”
“Begging destroys Effectiveness and Increases Low Self-Esteem, So Quit Begging.”
“It’s easy to reach the top. You have to bow.”
“If you persist in doing what everyone feels you can’t do, they’ll soon see your success and ask “how did you do it?”
“All your small successes along the way, total your ultimate victory. Keep succeeding one small effort at a time. You’ll get there.”