“If we deny the thirst of love, we stand to lose the last known address of the stranger whithin us. ”

“…freedom can be a full-time job if you let it.”

“Man will never reach the higher wisdom,If he can’t yet accept the pain of change.”

“We are much beholden to Machiavelli and others, that write what men do, and not what they ought to do . For it is not possible to join serpentine wisdom with the columbine innocency, except men know exactly all the conditions of the serpent; his baseness and going upon his belly, his volubility and lubricity, his envy and sting, and the rest; that is, all forms and natures of evil. For without this, virtue lieth open and unfenced. Nay, an honest man can do no good upon those that are wicked, to reclaim them, without the help of the knowledge of evil.”

“When two wise men are blaming one another,then time has come for you to be the third one.”

“God teaches the soul by pains and obstacles, not by ideas.”

“The only way to heal yourself was to understand. Understand the love or the hate or the cowardice, or the impulsiveness, the lack of will of the one who hurt you–the circumstances that twisted them, the influences that warped them. And when you forgot yourself and saw the others with pitying comprehension, saw their tortured motives, a white, healing peace descended upon you. Your betrayal became an impersonal one, like a bridge giving way when you crossed it, lightning, a motor collision–you were in the way and you were damaged–that was all. It wasn’t meant for you. When you understood, you were released into a new freedom and wisdom.”

“Don’t talk about love, But speak out of love cause most of the liars are only perfect of talking about nothing but passion & don’t talk about justice, But speak out of justice cause most of the oppressors are only perfect of talking about nothing but rightness.”

“Right now, just speak gently your words of wisdom to the youngsters.Sooner or later, those words will arrive at the right place in their hearts.”

“No shortcut to wisdom.No tollways to be wise.”

“Do not ever go out of yourself because you will get lost even from your life.”

“To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. this is my symphony.”

“Tennis taught me so many lessons in life. One of the things it taught me is that every ball that comes to me, I have to make a decision. I have to accept responsibility for the consequences every time I hit a ball.”

“To deny the reality of things is to miss their reality; to assert the emptiness of things is to miss their reality. The more you talk and think about it, the further astray you wander from the truth. Stop talking and thinking and there is nothing you will not be able to know.”

“Whoever is full of wisdom is naturally compassionate; in fact we recognize that someone has gained spiritual wisdom by seeing their compassionate behavior. . . . Individuals and countries with power need to develop wisdom and compassion, for without these attributes, there is a danger that the power will be used to oppress and exploit others. (31)”