“The measure of a man is his state of mind.”

“Guts are important. Your guts are what digest things. But it is your brains that tell you which things to swallow and which not to swallow.”

“Joblessness is a time for reflection”

“For what are in reality the things we call ‘Wisdom,’ ‘Virtue,’ ‘Heroism,’ ‘sublime hours,’ and ‘great moments of life,’ but the moments when we have more or less issued forth from ourselves, and have been able to halt, be it only for an instant, on the step of one of the eternal gates whence we see that the faintest cry, the most colourless thought, and most nerveless gestures do not drop into nothingness; …”

“We do not engage in idle or intentional gossip which undermines someone else’s integrity or which spreads the seeds of fear by talking unthinkingly about illness, disasters, and all the other fears which run rampant in the world.”

“Die Welt ist von Narren geschaffen, damit Weise in ihr Leben.”

“[…] marriage is one thing, and love is another…You need to have a solid canvas; nobody stops you to weave the arabesques…”

“Wenn du weißt, behaupte, dass du es weißt. Und wenn du etwas nicht weißt, gib zu, dass du es nicht weißt. Das ist Wissen.”

“A primary requirement in every enterprise in habit-formation is self-confidence.”

“The perfection of wisdom, and the end of true philosophy is to proportion our wants to our possessions, our ambitions to our capacities, we will then be a happy and a virtuous people.”

“Two footsteps do not make a path.”

“Whoever lost the truth has lost him/her self. ”

“We can’t just restrict ourselves to what we know, because we are talking about the unknown.”