“In business, as in life, it all comes down to your passion.”

“Let us drink more particularly to the coming of the day when men beyond there will learn to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative questions, to temper good intentions with good intelligence, and righteousness with wisdom. One of the darkest evils of our world is surely the unteachable wildness of the Good.”

“Buddha has walked for an eternity, but his eternity is different from ours. Just as the footprints that he leaves. When we follow in his footsteps, each step of Buddha’s, is in itself, a universe of knowledge which can take many lifetimes for us to discover and learn about.Then, just as we have learnt about this universe and life of ours, we move on to the next step, and then that, too, becomes a new universe to learn about.It is a quest, and a learning experience which we will never finish, and it is one that I have no wish to.”

“When I touch the hand of God, love is in my heart.When I walk with Buddha, wisdom is mine for the asking.And when I listen to Allah, all is understood.”

“Нема нічого вічного, опріч Духа Божого і його частинки, яку Бог вдунув у людей на образ і подобіє своє.”

“The existential psychiatrist R. D. Laing–a radical critic, like Brown, of received wisdom, and similarly inclined to see mental illness as a sane response to an insane world, even as a form of “shamanic” journey–described in one of his early books what he called the “ontologically secure” person.”

“The whole world gets turned upside down by the wish for riches and power. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. If wishes were soldiers, then weak men would rule. And if wishes were elixirs, then all men would live forever.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” said Groanin. “Not because you’ll get it, but because you’re doomed not to want it very much when you do.”

“All those things that you are, and all those things you will be, are still up to you. And the woman I know would never let a little thing like this turn her into a monster.”

“Life was strangely glorious like that sometimes; just as it could be cruel and unforgiving, so could it be a mysterious wonderland of unexpected joy and chance encounters.”

“I rather be wrong sometimes than being fouled by others all the times”

“No one is the wiser from another man’s woe.”

“Wisdom is not in a book, it has no secret source. You will find the real very near; it is in yourself. But to discover it there must be the activity of constant alertness. When thought is passively aware, watching and following, then the map of self-knowledge unfolds itself. Self-knowledge is not by the study of the self in isolation, for there is no isolation. To live is to be related, and isolation is merely escape. If thought is alertly passive, watching its own movements and flutters, then when sleep comes the conscious mind is capable of receiving the hints and intimations of the hidden consciousness. He who desires to discover the real, the eternal, must put aside every book, every system, every guru, for that which is can be uncovered only through self-knowledge.From: Fifth Talk in Madras”

“Only when a person reaches old age can he stop caring about the opinions of his fellows, or of the public, or of the future.”

“Years ago we used to have leaders with brains; compassion for people; the guts to stand up for what’s right and just not only for them, but for the whole world.These days all we get are leaders trying to stand up with their egos in their mouths and stubbornness in their actions and words; out to get what they can reap. They don’t care about the normal people! They only care about themselves & their close circle of friends!I’ve only met one or two honest politicians in my fifty odd years, and I’ve read about some, but as for the rest of them……..Well, maybe it’s time that normal people took over.The mums and dads!Young minds with a modicum of compassion for their fellow man!People who will look past religion, race, wealth & greed, caste!People who honestly care about whether their children live or die!People who believe that mankind and the Earth, as a whole, is worth saving!People who will look towards the Earth as our home and not our waste dump.People who stand for friendship and not hatred!People without bigoted views, who are willing to change their mind if they are wrong!If you want to know who these people are, just have a look in the mirror. Ask your kids who theirhero is. Ask them if they want a world without animals. Without food to eat. Without clean water to drink.Without their parents to look after them. Without love to keep them safe.It’s time for a change. I can’t change your views, only you can do that.If you don’t want to do it for yourself, at least do it for your kids.Have a heart! Give your children life!”