“Recognizing a ‘True Master’ is possible only when the postulant, man or woman, is what we call ‘sincere’.”

“Only foolish men beat their wives, wise men love them and care for them irrespective of their flaws and mistakes.”

“When we’re putting up the barriers and the sense of “me” as separate from “you” gets stronger, right there in the midst of difficulty and pain, the whole thing could turn around simply by not erecting barriers; simply by staying open to the difficulty, to the feelings that you’re going through; simply by not talking to ourselves about what’s happening. That is a revolutionary step. Becoming intimate with pain is the key to changing at the core of our being—staying open to everything we experience, letting the sharpness of difficult times pierce us to the heart, letting these times open us, humble us, and make us wiser and more brave. Let difficulty transform you. And it will. In my experience, we just need help in learning how not to run away.”

“Those who understand seek to experience orfind”

“Being deemed a fool, even if it is done by a fool, does not hurt, unless you are a fool.”

“I started smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol for the same reason I would sometimes tell self aggrandizing lies; I was wanting in courage. The only intimacy I could find was through drinking, smoking, lying and taking short cuts. A good brain needs the courage to maintain it’s health, and if you don’t have courage, you fall prey to a type of intimacy that gradually degrades not only the brain, but it degrades the meaning of friendship.”

“But what kind of society will we have if our responsibilities are set by man, and not by God?”

“I’m always unsure about people who are so sure of themselves.”

“As long as we are looking for love, we will live in fear of losing it.”

“An expensive car is material in nature, but driving it does not necessarily make us materialist, just as sitting in a church does not make us spiritual.”

“But you just choose because that’s where you want to be. Not because you were trying to do somebody else’s job. You hear me?”

“All we have is now. And our promise to make it better.”

“The two-by-four by the door sometimes ya need it to get their attention – Grannie Gin”

“All growth is essentially an expansion of awareness.”

“Man is the microcosm, creation the macrocosm — the unity. All comes from One.”