“We were so good, but so good only lasts for so long.”

“You die in time to realize somethings aren’t worthwhile.”

“I told you I loved you, but I said it a little too late. You move in time and sometimes our timing is against one another.”

“Time never touched you. It touched me and then I seemed to regret everything. Your hair in my face, eyes in my mind, a darkness I found in you. But you don’t regret. You hold within. You feel in memory because love lost is still a love once had. You remember passion, conversations over dinner, moments interwoven before each other. We die to live, not die to cry over memories which don’t last our expected timeframe.”

“We’re meant for each other for a moment, but no one knows how long the moment lasts except the moment itself.”

“I stopped writing in the obvious. I wrote how I saw it and if they don’t understand it, that’s fine.”

“May you suffer enough tragedy to gain a vast knowledge and understanding of life.”

“I walked the streets looking for something instead of letting what I wanted, to look for me.”

“Some of our truths are scarier than our horrors.”

“You reminded me of a puppy dog. Someone so confused with which way to go. Excited and curious, but stuck in happiness that he seem to can’t move.”

“I laid in darkness, in bed with the same song on repeat for hours. I wasn’t sad. I was happy because that’s what happiness was to me.”

“I was nineteen. You had your lips on my neck and whispers in my ear. You drove me crazy. But I mistook crazy for absolute happiness.”

“Making love with strangers is how you get hurt.”