Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“The moon stared at me through sprinkled nighttime stardust and I alone smile.”
“Do you want to make a change?…Do you want this change? Then let’s move at God`s pace.”
“Success comes in cans, not cannots.”
“However powerful our technology and complex our corporations, the most remarkable feature of the modern working world may in the end be internal, consisting in an aspect of our mentalities: in the widely held belief that our work should make us happy. All societies have had work at their centre; ours is the first to suggest that it could be something more than a punishment or a penance. Ours is the first to imply that we should seek to work even in the absence of a financial imperative.”
“I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps. I hunger for your sleek laugh, your hands the color of a savage harvest, hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails, I want to eat your skin like a whole almond. I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body, the sovereign nose of your arrogant face, I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes, and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight, hunting for you, for your hot heart, Like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.”
“Sometimes”, said Miss Phillips, “the thing you dread doing the very thing you should do, just so you can stop thinking about it.”
“Original sin is not only the violation of a positive command … but … attempts … to abolish fatherhood, destroying its rays which permeate the created world, placing in doubt the truth about God who is Love and leaving man with only a sense of the master-slave relationship.”
“You’re not obligated to win. You’re obligated to keep trying. To the best you can do everyday.”
“You will meet great beings when you come out of the well and see the world.”
“The dreams that you have today will become the reality of tomorrow if you truly believe in them.”
“If I were being honest with myself, he lit a blaze, not just a blush, but that’s too much reality for me to admit.”
“I think here I will leave you. It has come to seemthere is no perfect ending.Indeed, there are infinite endings.Or perhaps, once one begins,there are only endings.”
“لا بد أن حالة سعار قد بدأت بالتجلي”من رواية “خراف البرج الزجاج”
“There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.”
“This worldthat was our homefor a brief spellnever brought us anythingbut pain and grief;its a shame that not one of our problemswas ever solved.We departwith a thousand regretsin our hearts.”