“Regret is the strongest anchor that latches on to the ground, and you carry it within you, it is a feeling quite unlike others for it is despair mingled with hope.”

“Hope holds you fast like an anchor so you don’t give way.”

“one plus one is two; so the cord of two is better than one.”

“O God make us your people. Be our God!”

“Be strong. Even when you can’t be.”

“You’re stronger than us. Once you find your anchor never let go of it. No matter what.”

“Everyone has their own boat, it’s a matter of pulling it out of the sand, and putting it in the water. But further, you can anchor the boat in fear when the storms rage, and go nowhere, let it drift aimlessly on its own or you can let God be the navigator and guide you on a journey in a way that is right for you.”