“May you suffer enough tragedy to gain a vast knowledge and understanding of life.”

“The cup of innocence will always overflow with the liquid of experience.”

“Patience and persistence are the keys… The keys to unlock doors of success… With these two virtues, you grow in reasoning and experience.”

“Beliefs are a consequence of what has been instituted. Knowing is a result of what has been experienced. Adopt what’s real and moderate what feels.”

“Your uniqueness comes from your experience, imagination, and level of consciousness and feelings. Experience more, imagine more, and feel more to be more conscious.”

“A* search for the certain puzzle that fits your mind. A certain quality out of matrix, an emerge of reality and divine. Persistent sustained look and fixed mind is the rebirth, the start of sanity, the start of rise.”

“I stepped from Plank to PlankSo slow and cautiouslyThe Stars about my Head I felt,About my Feet the Sea.I knew not but the nextWould be my final inch —This gave me that precarious GaitSome call Experience.”

“There are things in life that we simply must experience in order to know. Someone can tell you what it feels like to experience or witness the birth of your first child, but the actual experience is in another realm altogether. The same is true of love. You can read sonnets, hear romantic songs, and understand the biochemistry, but until you experience love, it’s all just a bunch of words.”

“If knowledge is the ammunition of reform, experience is the wick to ignite it.”

“No matter how loud the sirens or how numerous the hazard signs, we all touch the flames at least once to prove they’re hot.”

“No experience is wasted. It is the stepping stones for a great success.”

“Do not underestimate your enemy’s strategy for victory. Observe patiently in silence with the application of experience, knowledge, good judgment and strategize your defense to triumph over your enemies.”

“Cunoștințele sunt cele care se adună în capul nostru fără să ne fie întotdeauna de vreun folos. Cunoașterea e transformarea unor cunoștințe într-o experiență de viață.”

“Some of our truths are scarier than our horrors.”

“Writing, then, was a substitute for myself: if you don’t love me, love my writing & love me for my writing. It is also much more: a way of ordering and reordering the chaos of experience.”