“Faith is a divine force.”

“One misbelief would destroy many things of the life and one correct belief would create many betters to the life.”

“When I walk the road;I take my backpack, a couple of sandwiches, a bottle of water and my faithful camera. I don’t need to take God because he is already there waiting to accompany me.”

“Whatever you wish for, you can have with hopeful patient wait.”

“Всички искаха да станат мои последователи. От този необикновен успех ме обзе ужас. Нагледно видях каква сила има вярата и колко лесно е да я събудиш у хората. Само трябва да знаеш малко повече от онези, дето ти вярват. След това чудесата се правят лесно.”

“The ONE who is CALLED FAITHFUL and TRUTH cannot lie. Don’t negotiate or lose your peace.”

“Understanding also comes in different ways according to beliefs and misbeliefs”

“Come to Jesus Christ just as you are, He can change you.”

“God is the God of all mankind.”

“Faith has its reasons and reason has its faiths.”

“Without faith, there is no force of will.”

“Is there any fellowship,without forgiveness?”

“Without forgiveness, there is no fellowships.”

“Don’t let the bitterness of your past dictate your future because it can drive you away from your relationship with God!”

“Although life urges to endorse, And yet you still have to strive, There lies within you great force That makes you get up and thrive.”