All Quotes By Tag: Fear
“And yet is not mankind itself, pushing on its blind way, driven by a dream of its greatness and its power upon the dark paths of excessive cruelty and of excessive devotion. And what is the pursuit of truth, after all?”
“Always be truthful and you will have fewer visits from regret, guilt or fear.”
“There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth.”
“The purest worship is to simply love — to see the image of God in every human; to love them as they are, how they are, who they are — without demand, without condition, without fear.”
“May it never be, that we know more about the devil’s strategies thanwe know about GOD’S ways;that we have more fear than faith; and that we spend more time in warfare than in worship.Our God is greater than all. We must exalt Him above all.”
“May it never be said, that we know more about the devil’s strategies thanwe know about GOD’S ways;that we have more fear than faith; and that we spend more time in warfare than in worship.Our God is greater than all. We must exalt Him above all.”
“Come to close?No one wants to come to close.If it’s done for them,they accept it,even while they condemn it.Why not?But no one wants to know what it’s like.Turn a blind eye.Maybe it will go away.”
“Please do not think God has forgotten about what you’ve asked. Your answer, similar to rain from Heaven, is being perfectly prepared to either drizzle, pour, or flood down at any unexpected moment even when we believe we’re in a season of drought. Hold on just a bit longer.”
“The fear of God is one of the most extreme expressions of cowardice.”
“In biblical Greek the word “repent” comes from a military term similar to the command “about face.” In…sermons, repentance is all about “turning away’ from sin, and certainly repentance would include an element of that. However, the deeper flavor of his word is less about turning away from something and more about turning toward something. As much as the word “repent” makes many of us recoil, what if it is enjoining us to turn away from our fear of God and to turn toward the love of God? what if we simply confess that God is love, and then put a period at the end of the sentence? God is love. Period.”
“When we see God through a fear-based lens, we end up with an inaccurate view of ourselves.”
“A fear-based faith distorts a lot of things, but what it distorts the most is the reflection we see in the mirror. Fear has a way of reflecting ugliness and distorted realities–lies with the appearance of truth–and gives us the false impression that fear tells the truth while concealing the reality that fear is a liar. It may be a good liar because it mixes fact with fiction, but it’s a liar nonetheless. The reflections of fear must never be trusted, no matter how many nuggets of truth may be mixed in those ugly waters.”
“When we use up all our energy in keeping our inner lives above water, we have no strength left to look beyond our struggles – no strength left to love others. There is only one solution: to turn away from our anxieties, and toward Jesus and our brothers and sisters. If we do this, we will find that he is not so unmerciful that we need live in constant fear and self-circling. God is a God of love, and he gives hope and new life to all who seek him.”
“That is the truth, my boy. All we have left of our ancestors’ great covenant with the Everlasting, who brought them out of nothingness, is darkness and wrath. With every day that passes, Horeb’s wrath feeds on our sins. He demands justice and righteousness. He watches us, impatiently. He knows our past, but he also knows the future that awaits us. He sees that we are advancing into darkness. In his impatience, he rumbles to shake us our of our torpor. But all he obtains in return is fear, even though what he wants is a little courage and dignity!”
“Drawing identity from any area other than the source of life is a spiritual death sentence, and worse, it’s contagious, because it gives birth to tribalism. However, when we return to our central identity of image-bearers designed to receive love from and reflect love to others, we are naturally invited to shed all of the unloving, fear-based tribal behaviors that come from loyalty to the label.”