All Quotes By Tag: God
“The greatest gifts of all create space for the greatest sacrifices imaginable. For if we simply receive something that does not press us to give something in return, we will die fat with possessions but starved of meaning.”
“Far too often I have assumed something as impossible because I’ve held my limitations up against the magnitude of the challenge. But when I choose to hold God up against the magnitude of the challenge, then what becomes impossible is my ability to see it as impossible.”
“The only thing that Christmas didn’t change was our refusal to change, for God extends invitations but He does not demand that we accept them.”
“Why Christmas?” we ask ourselves. It’s because whatever’s staring back at us in the mirror is the very same thing that’s emblazoned across God’s heart.”
“The darkest darkness that I can possibly imagine is the darkness that I thought to be light.”
“I don’t have it within me to do what God does for me. That’s why he’s God and I’m not.”
“To behold such majestic beauty, is admiring the creative mind and finger of God.”
“In the difficult days, seek Divine help, pray to God.”
“God strengthens those hands that serve others.”
“When Nietzsche declared that God is dead, this is what he meant. At least in the West, God has become an abstract idea that some accept and others reject, but it makes little difference either way. In the Middle Ages, without a god I had no source of political, moral and aesthetic authority. I could not tell what was right, good or beautiful. Who could live like that? Today, in contrast, it is very easy not to believe in God, because I pay no price for my unbelief. I can be a complete atheist, and still draw a very rich mix of political, moral and aesthetical values from my inner experience.If I believe in God at all, it is my choice to believe. If my inner self tells me to believe in God – then I believe. I believe because I feel God’s presence, and my heart tells me He is there. But if I no longer feel God’s presence, and if my heart suddenly tells me that there is no God – I will cease believing. Either way, the real source of authority is my own feelings. So even while saying that I believe in God, the truth is I have a much stronger belief in my own inner voice.”
“VI. Wisdom: The Voice of GodNinety percent of what’s wrong with youcould be cured with a hot bath,says God through the manhole covers,but you want magic, to winthe lottery you never bought a ticket for.(Tenderly, the monks chant,embrace the suffering.) The voice neverpanders, offers no five-year plan,no long-term solution, no edicts from a cloudywhite beard hooked over ears.It is small and fond and local. Don’t look foryour initials in the geese honkingoverhead or to see through the glass evendarkly. It says the most obvious shit,i.e. Put down that gun, you need a sandwich.”
“Mauma didn’t fall again, though, and I reckoned God had lent me an ear, but maybe that ear wasn’t white, maybe the world had a colored God, too, or else it was mauma who kept her own self standing, who answered my prayer with the strength of her limbs and the grip of her heart. She never whimpered, never made a sound except some whisperings from her lips.”
“Please God deliver us from the road of destruction, Amen.”
“I live in such a way that those who know me but do not know God will come to know God because they know me.”
“Believe against all odds, for this devotion has created art, the devil and gods.”