All Quotes By Tag: God
“I have so often been asked the question: “But how did you come to think of The Scarlet Pimpernel?” And my answer has always been: “It was God’s will that I should.” And to you moderns, who perhaps do not believe as I do, I will say, “In the chain of my life, there were so many links, all of which tended towards bringing me to the fulfillment of my destiny.”
“As we grow in the knowledge of God’s holiness, even though we are growing in the practice of holiness, it seems the gap between our knowledge and our practice always gets wider. This is the Holy Spirit’s way of drawing us to more and more holiness.”
“There’s no need to curse God if you’re an ugly duckling. He chooses those strong enough to endure it so that they can guide others who’ve felt the same.”
“You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him.”
“I was asked by a concerned church-goer: “Is your relationship with God okay?” and I answered “My relationship with God is far better than yours. You have to be in a certain place, with a certain group of people, pray at certain days of the week, read the Bible at certain times of the day; all in order to have a relationship with God. But I am with God from the moment I wake up, to the moment I fall asleep at night, I am with God wherever on this earth that I wander to, and whosoever I may be with! I may be sitting on the subway, and I am with God. I can assure you that I am closer to God than you are.”
“Don’t misunderstand me. The terrorist actions of Al-Qaeda were and are unmitigatedly evil. But the astonishing naivety which decreed that America as a whole was a pure, innocent victim, so that the world could be neatly divided up into evil people (particularly Arabs) and good people (particularly Americans and Israelis), and that the latter had a responsibility now to punish the former, is a large-scale example of what I’m talking about – just as it is immature and naive to suggest the mirror image of this view, namely that the western world is guilty in all respects and that all protestors and terrorists are therefore completely justified in what they do. In the same way, to suggest that all who possess guns should be locked up, or (the American mirror-image of this view) that everyone should carry guns so that good people can shoot bad ones before they can get up to their tricks, is simply a failure to think into the depths of what’s going on.”
“In God’s eyes, a man who teaches one truth and nothing else is more righteous than a man who teaches a million truths and one lie.”
“What do we find God ‘doing about’ this business of sin and evil?…God did not abolish the fact of evil; He transformed it. He did not stop the Crucifixion; He rose from the dead.”
“But it ain’t easy, trying to do without God even if you know he ain’t there, trying to do without him is a strain”
“Sowing seeds of kindness always reaps a crop of heavenly blessings.”
“Keep on the watch and pray”
“Peace for Israel,” he said.“Is that possible?” I drew closer.“Yes, if we have peace with God first.”
“Realize this – your anger with God does not drive a wedge between you and Him. It is your silence that drives the wedge. – Prodigal Life”
“There is no point of adventure if you have known about everything.I wonder how God deals with the situation, considering the boredom.”
“Jesus said, ‘Enter into My rest’ and let God do what He does best”