“Second Cosmic Seal:(Seal of Karl 666) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 160,000 spirits. Many great politicians, military commanders, etc. on earth are at this occult level of operations. This will be the occult level of Antichrist.”

“The “inner circle of humanity” recognizes others through frequency, regardless of walk of life or “positioning in the astral”. This is an operation run invisibly from Outside the astral. Going Home represents the final shift to one’s true spiritual families of light, in all dimensions of harmonics; higher vibrations/love in unity consciousness, above, below and literally “everywhere and everynow”.”

“Set as higher dimensional beings walking the earth today, who must INcarnate (there is no REincarnation if there is no time. Exception: descending spirals which crystallize in lower frequencies) to live in the various dream worlds (this one included) with the final “kick”/baptism by water, pulling up ALL the densities/dimensions through LOVE.”

“This is just a brief “off the top of the head” first blush analysis, and if one wanted to dig deeper, it wouldn’t be difficult to discover more “gems” hidden in plain sight.Devil’s Inception!”

“His shout was a syllable so ancient and powerful that Saffiyah’s mind instantly censored it.”

“How is something authorised as ‘feng shui compliant’ he wondered. Is there a Chinese Ministry of Magic?”

“Dreams of success often get in the way of actual success.”

“The two old men were as still as the stone bench on which they sat, as though their lengthy communion with the element had turned them into statues.”

“He pondered his turmoil, wondering which he feared most—losing his father or being alone in the world. Both were inevitable. Neither could be stopped or slowed down. All he could do now was brace for impact.”

“I gave up drinking before my twentieth birthday. I haven’t touched the stuff since. And I’ve discovered that not everyone who does horrible things is a horrible person.”

“و عندما إعتزلت العالم؛ وجدت نفسك، وجدت الحقيقة الغائبة، تصالحت مع خطاياك الكثيرة، و استمتعت بإخفاقاتك العديدة، تخلصت من أجنحة الملاك الكاذب، و مسحت عن وجهك المساحيق، واجهت صورتك أمام المرآة، و حجمك المجرد من تراهاتك الساذجة، إستعدلت حلتك المتواضعة، و خرجت بين الناس في سكون، قطرة يحملها سيل عرم، تتحرك بلا مقاومة و لا تفكير، لا تتسابق و لا تتجاوز الآخرين، فقط تقوم بما يجب أن تقوم به، و تستقر في النهاية في وعائها المقدر، و للعجب؛ لم تكن الرحلة مختلفة، فما إستطاع تمردها في السابق أن يغير المسار، و لم يستطع عصيانها أن يختار الوعاء، كانت و مازالت تتحرك و تستقر حيثما قدر لها، كانت واهمة؛ غالبتها الظنون حتى نسيت ما هي ؟ و عندما أدركت تحققت: قطرة و لها دور مهم؛ و لكنه محدد.”

“It feels like I’m stuck in one spot. It’s been this way for a long time. I know you understand, but now you’re moving on without me. And I—I’m not ready to be alone.”

“It’s like everyone has their own little recipe for happiness, but no one really seems all that happy.”

“Happiness isn’t something you work toward, the same way misery isn’t something you work toward.”

“See, you’ve got to understand, son. There’s two types of guys in this world. There’s guys . . . who think they’re in control, and guys like us who live in the moment. Who accept life as it is.”