“I would rather lie facedown on the ground and use my body as a bridge, than stand proud and tall and use my body as a wall.”

“You see, if we have no hope, we have nothing”

“For this reason, it is well said that misfortune is sometimes good for something, for it teaches at the same time that it hurts.”

“Hopeful people are more easily controlled, but the volume must be managed. Too much hope leaves a person emboldened and resistant. Too little leaves them disabled and useless. But just the right amount of hope subjugates them. They cradle it like a dying ember, and they’ll do anything to keep the wind from extinguishing it. They’ll serve.”

“…hope is never wasted. Even if what I hoped for did not come to fruition as I had imagined, as I had hoped. Hope is placing the beautifully vulnerable parts of ourselves, our raw selves, into His hands. I believe hope moves His heart; but hope also moves our hearts into His hands. Hope builds trust.”

“The darkness that follows a sunset is never so dark that it can change the inevitability of a sunrise.”

“It is not the absence of hope. Rather, it is the absence of our faith in hope.”

“Always be enthusiastic and hopeful. If you lose hope, there is nothing to look forward to.”

“It takes but a handful of words to ambush my soul with hope. Yet, the vexing question in it all is why do I so often ambush the words?”

“Faith is acknowledging what I can’t see as a means of embracing that which I cannot afford to miss.”

“But I promise you, you guys can do it. In four days you’ll be the happiest person Earth has ever seen. You’ll stand by the ocean and feel the salty sea spray tingling in your nose. You’ll be with people you know and love, and you’all appreciate how beautiful everything is. You’ll see cars behind you in your rear view mirror, and maybe you’ll laugh at the driver’s faces. Because they’ll look annoyed, bored, angry. And you’ll realize what they’re missing. You’ll live a long and happy life, Mia. Because when you get home, you’ll realize that anything is possible. You mustn’t ever forget that.”

“You can always see a light around the hopeful people and darkness around the hopeless! And what better shield you can have than having a light around you in the dusky times?”

“In the midst of the dawn of sunshine, armed with faith and hope, we enter the splendid and bright New Year.”

“Without being hope to yourself, you cannot be hope to others!”

“As for any of us in crisis, hope is the one thing that’s everything.”