All Quotes By Tag: Inspiration
“Tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa dikalahkan, sampai dia menyerah–DI DALAM PIKIRANNYA SENDIRI!”
“No thought is a stupid thought, those who are thoughtless are thought of as stupid.”
“Wizards are always hungry.”
“-اذا كانت القوه شر .,كما يبدو انها كذلك فلنرفضها من قلوبنا ,ففي هذا الرفض تكمن حريه الانسان الحقيقيه في تصميمه علي عباده الاله الذي خلقه و في ضميره حبه للخير., وفي احترام السماء التي تلهمنا بالبصيره في افضل اوقاتنا. في الفعل وفي الرغبه في اننا لا يجب ان نستسلم دائما لطغيان القوي الخارجيه, ولكن في التفكير وفي الالهامات, نحن احرار من رفاقنا من البشر ,أحرار من الكوكب الصغير الذي تزحف عليه اجسادنا بعجز,أحرار حتي ونحن لا نزال أحياء بعيدا عن قبضه الموت . فلنتعلم اذن أن قوه اليقين هي التي تمكننا من الحياه باستمرار وفق رؤيتنا للخير, ولننزل ففي افعالنا الي عالم الحقيقه بتلك الرؤيه دائمأ نصب اعيينا”
“To be saved is here, local and mortal”
“Each of us suffers with envy/for the forgiven.”
“We as authors sign a pact with our readers; they’ll go on reading because they trust us to play fair with them and deliver what we’ve promised.”
“At last everything was satisfactorily arranged, and I could not help admiring the setting: these mingled touches betrayed on a small scale the inspiration of a poet, the research of a scientist, the good taste of an artist, the gourmet’s fondness for good food, and the love of flowers, which concealed in their delicate shadows a hint of the love of women”
“About writing:The trick is to make sure you love what you’ve produced–to order to convince.”
“Most ideas are born and lost in isolation.”
“Palestine is the anvil of our souls.”
“It may be escapist, but if I have a choice between watching the news or reading a book which gets me to see the world through different eyes, I will always choose the latter!”
“ان الوحي الإلهي يعني أحياناً وبكل بساطة أن نضبط أذهاننا على نحو يخوّلنا سماع ماتعرفه قلوبنا”
“The effects you will have on your students are infinite and currently unknown; you will possibly shape the way they proceed in their careers, the way they will vote, the way they will behave as partners and spouses, the way they will raise their kids.”
“Sometimes quietly taking the credit can advertise you and your ability in a much louder way than telling everyone that you were the one that did it.”