“There is nothing at all that is random about what makes up the core of life; and in the end, life is simply an almost never–ending and nearly infinite sequence of patterns, masterfully layered upon each other in a way that only the One True Creator is capable of.”

“لقد اُختُزل غاندي في ابتهالٍ يطابق بين اسمه واللاعنف.”

“The biggest irony of life is that rich people actually lead poor lives! They spend their entire life making money and creating wealth and thus lose out on living a life filled with true knowledge, happiness, and passion!”

“Life is too short to hang around people who are causing you to compromise. Pulling you down. Your time is too valuable to waste it with people who don’t have a dream. People that aren’t going anywhere.You don’t need to make some big announcement, but little by little, you should spend less time with them.’Joel, what if I hurt their feelings, what if they get upset?’ What if you miss your destiny?What if they are keeping you from going to the next level?When you come to the end of life, you won’t stand before people, you will stand before God.He has entrusted you with a gift, you have an assignment, there is something for you to accomplish. you have a responsibility to become who God has created you to be. You have to take bold steps to protect what you are feeding.”

“When your heart is broken, sometimes all you need is another heart to recognize that.”

“No two eating disorders are the same.No two individuals are the same.No two paths to recovery are the same.But everyone’s strength to reach recovery IS the same.”

“It is a beautiful symphony: the sound of the typewriter keys on paper!”

“Artist: a hungry man not afraid to die for his passion.”

“Life is not a sad song. It is a glorious symphony.”

“Sane people never realize the joys of insanity!”

“Čekam spokojno da krene džuma, da me hodžin vaz sjeti na štagod lijepo, da mi pred oči koje se jasno sjećaju iziđe mršavo lice hodže Gušića, neka mi u ušima odzvanja njegov glas o tome da je o vjeri potrebno znati samo jedno: ona je čovjekova granica, obična a uvijek prisutna, kao zrak u plućima! Ako si svjestan te granice, prati te kao blaga sjenka dok ima svjetla. Sjenka kod tebe, blizu, a svjetlost unaokolo i svuda. Pogledaj koji put u sjenku kao opomenu. Ne dopusti, da svjetlost mine, jer će nestati i sjenka, iščeznuće opomena, zakoračićeš u tamu. A tamo, u tami, nema granice, nikakve, ni sjenke, nikakve, stavljaš stope gdje hoćeš, ne znaš razliku između harama i halala, sve ti postane svejedno, kao kravi koja ne zna razlikovati travu svog vlasnika od trave njegova susjeda. Trava ovdje, trava tamo, a između provaljena ograda… Draga braćo, znanje o provaljenoj ogradi još uvijek je nekakva granica, makar bivša, dobro je da smo je i takve svjesni.”