All Quotes By Tag: Knowledge
“Even the slightest criticism of others is an impediment (hindrance) to Absolute Knowledge (Kevalgnan, Absolute Enlightenment). It also hinders Atmagnan (Knowledge of the Self), also hinders Samkit (Self-realization).”
“Vitarag’s [the enlightened one’s] ‘water’ (knowledge) will remove any kind of (karmic) ‘stains’.”
“There are two aspects to this world; even though it is fickle, it is within principle. Through the medium of the five senses and intellectual knowledge, it appears fickle and through ‘Gnan’ (Real Knowledge) it appears to be within principle.”
“…[R]eal wisdom is the property of God, and… human wisdom has little or no value.”
“when you know more than you know, there’s more to know”
“The widespread success of science is too significantan issue to be treated as if it were a happy accident that we arefree to enjoy without enquiring more deeply into why this isthe case. Critical realist achievements of this kind cannot be amatter of logical generality, something that one would expectto be attainable in all possible worlds. Rather, they are an ex-perientially confirmed aspect of the particularity of the worldin which we live and of the kind of beings that we are. Achiev-ing scientific success is a specific ability possessed by human-kind, exercised in the kind of universe that we inhabit. I believethat a full understanding of this remarkable human capacityfor scientific discovery ultimately requires the insight that ourpower in this respect is the gift of the universe’s Creator who,in that ancient and powerful phrase, has made humanity in theimage of God (Genesis 1:26–27).”
“No knowledge about self is self-slavery!”
“That which the entire world regards as ‘mine’, it is [really] ‘not mine’; this Knowledge itself is the Self, the Soul.”
“There are two types of knowledge. One is about what is right and wrong, what is helpful and harmful in this world, and the second is about the path to final Liberation (Moksha). The one who attains the knowledge about Moksha will indeed get the knowledge about what is helpful and harmful in the world. Or else, there should be saints around who know about what is helpful and harmful in this world.”
“To have seen something means it has come into one’s understanding. To have known something means it has come into one’s knowledge. There is a vast difference between ‘seeing’ and ‘knowing’.”
“There are three types of talks: 1. Knowledge based talks. 2. Intellect-based talks 3. Talks void of intellect. The world is running as a result of these three types of talks. Intellectuals will find intellect-void-talks as being incorrect. Those void of intellect will find intellect based talks to be incorrect. And where there are talks with Knowledge (Gnan), there is no such thing as correct or incorrect.”
“What is the definition of Gnan [true knowledge]? It is that which must be present without fail when needed. Who should be the one imparting this Knowledge? It is not acceptable coming from any ordinary person. It must be from one whose speech has power (vachanbad), so that it will be present when needed. The Gnan [Knowledge] has to present itself, otherwise the work cannot be accomplished.”
“As long as one is the doer of the actions, there is agnan [all other knowledge other than one’s own true self, wordly knowledge]. Agnan is the cause for the worldly life.”
“The best way to determine the Values you will enforce in your business is to clarify your personal values.”
“The ‘information’ one receives from within, shows credit [punya] and debit [paap] karmas. All the Knowledge-Vision is present within. Everything can be Known from within but only as long as you do not create obstructions. If you were to cross-over [violate] it, then the ‘information’ will stop coming through.”