“Your life will never be the same, ever, so you can never be the same, ever. Pain will make you stronger, but it will make you a lot of other things first.”

“[People] add their own pieces to your puzzle until they feel that they understand you.”

“الأمر لا يتعلق فقط بكذبة ، لكن باللعب بالمصائر حيث يصبح الإنسان لا شيء مجرد حفنة غبار”

“We just have to redeem ourselves. No one else is going to do it for us.”

“To pacify your external conflicts, you must wage peace, first and foremost, within yourself.”

“In our life once we lose something that will be lost forever. That thing is never got back. And we consciously or unconsciously lose so many things without holding it.”

“What’s the work for emotion in our life? I’ll say emotion gives the motion in life. If you don’t have emotion, then you will act like robot. You can’t feel anything. But we must feel everything from our mind. If any act doesn’t touch our mind then how could we live?”

“Sometime we fail to differ the diamond from glass piece. We mistakenly miss the diamond which is on the road or under our feet. But we also mistakenly run for the glass piece in the jewelry shop. When we mistakenly buy a glass piece as a diamond with high price then we regret for the life time. What have we done for buying the fake one?”

“Stop revisiting chapters, That you know, How they ended.”

“WHY live as if you shall never die?”

“At the end of the day if you’ve managed to save some battery in your smartphone then you either have answer to world’s power crisis or actually had a great time”

“You don’t recognise the good times in life until it all goes bad and you look back and see how lucky you were, how easy you had things.”

“What makes more sense in today’s world?Thinking about future, she ruined her present?OrThinking about present, she ruined her future?”