All Quotes By Tag: Life
“Tristan was silent for a few moments, looking at the leaves before them. “Life isn’t about the past and the future. It’s about today.” He paused. “It’s about five minutes from now and two seconds ago. It’s moments, you know? Not years. Years aren’t what define us.”
“Whoever said that the past isn’t dead had it backward. It’s the future that’s already dead, already played out.”
“Listen to the cry of a woman in labor at the hour of giving birth — look at the dying man’s struggle at his last extremity, and then tell me whether something that begins and ends thus could be intended for enjoyment.”
“Hurt is a part of life. To be honest, I think hurt is a part of happiness, that our definition of happiness has gotten very narrow lately, very nervous, a little afraid of this brawling, fabulous, unpredictable world.”
“الفرح الوحشي والمرح العنيف والضحك المجلجل حالات لا تدل على السعادة ، إنها تشنجات البؤساء الذين يريدون أن يأكدوا لأنفسهم وللناس أنهم يفرحون، يفرحون بشدة.”
“Not forever does the bulbul singIn balmy shades of bowers,Not forever lasts the springNor ever blossom the flowers.Not forever reigneth joy,Sets the sun on days of bliss,Friendships not forever last,They know not life, who know not this.”
“Your entire sense of self-worth is predicated upon your belief that you matter, that you matter to the universe. But you don’t. Because we are the ants.”
“The life of the enemy . Whoever lives for the sake of combating an enemy has an interest in the enemy’s staying alive.”
“Life is such a glorious trauma, is it not?”
“My formula for life is very simple: in the morning, wake up; at night, go to sleep. In between I try and occupy myself as best I can.”
“Life is an adventure of passion, risk, danger, laughter, beauty, love; a burning curiosity to go with the action to see what it is all about, to go search for a pattern of meaning, to burn one’s bridges because you’re never going to go back anyway, and to live to the end.”
“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.”
“It’s much easier to not know things sometimes. Things change and friends leave. And life doesn’t stop for anybody.”
“Quietly endure, silently suffer and patiently wait.”
“Life consists of two days, one for you one against you. So when it’s for you don’t be proud or reckless, and when it’s against you be patient, for both days are test for you.”