“In my whole life of who I am today, there has been a spectacular contribution of everyone who are ‘Ambition-less’ & ‘Effortless’. They fascinated me because eventually, they proved to be the ‘Flawless’.”

“All the same, there were some things they needed to learn. Do not drink milk after a thunderstorm, for it will certainly be sour. Always leave out seed for the birds when the first snow falls. Wash your hair with rosemary. Drink lavender tea when you cannot sleep. Know that the only remedy for love is to love more.”

“People pleasing pleases everyone but the pleaser.”

“Light your life with purpose and all shadows will disappear.”

“You do not blame your shadow for the shape of your body: Just the same: Do not blame others for the shape of your experience.”

“My precious things… are things I’ve made for myself.”

“If the shrike did not eat the grasshoppers, then the grasshoppers would eat all the grass, and there would be none left for the deer…and the deer are food for the tiger. Life in the jungle is a giant spiderweb; if you touch one strand, it will vibrate at the other end. We cannot separate nature into good and bad, Rita. The gods do not will it so.”

“Life is undoubtedly born of biology, but if a lifeform strictly constructs all its perception living inside the ship-shape well of biology, despite having developed the brain capacity to be beyond it, then it is a disgusting mockery of life itself.”

“Majority of people entering your life only come to distract you. They ain’t there to be with you, support you or love you. They come to get something or stop you from the progress you are making. They are priks for your life. Don’t let them in. Or if happened to do so, make sure they understand that they don’t matter to you. Tell them, “you are a nobody, you can’t hurt me because I don’t see you, you don’t exist, you are just a bad dream. I am waking up now and you are not there anymore.”

“If you don’t tell yourself the truth you’ll always be a liar.”

“कोई किसी की बैसाखी नहीं बन सकता। राम-राम दुआ-सलाम तक आदमी जिन्दगी में साथ दे दें, उतना ही उसके वश में है और दूसरे के लिए भी उतना ही काफी है।”

“Three things have a limited threshold:Time, pain, and death.While truth, love, and knowledge –Are boundless.”

“Don’t fret my dear. If art is translation of the ephemeral into observable form, then always remember that it is the translationn that is the craft. The craft is that which can always be improved. But the ephemeral is that which only you have been able to observe, and that which only you have chosen to translate, and so in a way, the ephemeral is you, and it is already beautiful.”

“Life continuously shoots arrows at you; to survive, be flexible and be on the move because rigid and fixed targets are the easiest targets!”