“To lovers out there…Don’t be fooled marriage is the right thing when you marry the right person.”

“To lovers out there…We men been trash for too long that being a trash is a normal behavior. That is why when ladies say we are trash we don’t see it because to some of us it has been a normal life or relationship in our society. We have been raised to discipline women. To show our strength and power to them. We don’t see beating someone we date as an abuse , but we see it as a discipline. Its not discipline but what it does is it gives us more power and it install fear to them, so that we get authority and control over them.Real man don’t abuse women. Real man walks away when the women is ill-discipline and is not worth it.”

“Real man don’t abuse women. Real man walks away when the women is ill-discipline and is not worth it.”

“Any way I slice reality it comes out poorly, and I feel an urge to not exist, something I have never felt before; and now here it comes with conviction, almost panic. I mentally bless and exonerate anyone who has kicked a chair out from beneath her or swallowed opium in large chunks. My mind has met their environment, here in the void. I understand perfectly.”

“Marriage is a partnership, not a democracy.”

“He smiled. “I suppose I thought we’d have a madly impractical, terrifyingly modern sort of marriage. One based on love. Not to mention dangerous undertakings and hair’s-breadth escapes from burning buildings, high ledges and exploding sewers.””And bickering.””Always that, yes.””Assuming I want to marry at all.””True. I know of no good way of forcing you to do anything.””And you’re mad enough to think it could work – one day?”He cupped her face in his hands. His smile was so brilliant it seemed to illuminate the room. “I think it would be heaven.”She trembled, then. “You have a very strange idea of heaven.””Kiss me and see.”

“To lovers out there…It is important to let the people you are dating, married to or your are with that you Love them. They might know but they need to hear it now and then.”

“God will bring the right person into your life at the right time. Always believe that! If they are not there, God isn’t finished yet!”

“Six months into our correspondence, he asked me to send him a picture. Eight months in his postcard read, ‘The very first moment I beheld you, my heart was irrevocably gone.’ ​It wasn’t until just a few years ago that Shari informed me this was actually a phrase he stole from Jane Austen’s Love and Friendship. I think the fact that he quoted Jane Austen may have made me fall a little bit more in love with him—even all these years later.”

“To Lovers out there..You can’t be in a relationship and compete with your partner by doing bad things and competing in making mistakes. If she/he doesn’t care then I don’t care attitude is for single people , not for people in a relationship, because in a relationship we care about each other and we take care of one another”

“In the past, when gays were very flamboyant as drag queens or as leather queens or whatever, that just amused people. And most of the people that come and watch the gay Halloween parade, where all those excesses are on display, those are straight families, and they think it’s funny. But what people don’t think is so funny is when two middle-aged lawyers who are married to each other move in next door to you and your wife and they have adopted a Korean girl and they want to send her to school with your children and they want to socialize with you and share a drink over the backyard fence. That creeps people out, especially Christians. So, I don’t think gay marriage is a conservative issue. I think it’s a radical issue.”

“[O]ur honeymoon will shine our life long: its beams will only fade over your grave or mine.”

“As Unto the bow the the cord is ,So unto the man is woman;Though she bends him, she obeys him,Though she draws him , yet she follows:Useless each without the other.”

“Love is giving up control. It’s surrendering the desire to control the other person. The two—love and controlling power over the other person—are mutually exclusive. If we are serious about loving someone, we have to surrender all the desires within us to manipulate the relationship.”

“Delusion detests focus and romance provides the veil.”