“It is good to have your own vision, but it is dangerous not to run with it.”

“There are people who Dream and there are people who Scream. There are people who Cry and there are people who Fly. The good news is that this is a CHOICE!”

“To live with Faith, eliminate Fear. Only one can exist in our Life at any point of time.”

“Look at a stonecutter hitting at the rock. Nothing happens at first, but after many strikes, the rock eventually cracks. In Life, don’t Doubt. Keep at it and it will happen.”

“You Learn when you Fall”

“Be suspicous of justifying comfortable scenarios.”

“Life without GOALS is like flying a plane not knowing where you want to land. The PURPOSE OF LIFE is to know where we want to go and then go there.”

“Life has knocked me down plenty of times. But there’s always a little bit of me that tells me to get back up, to rise, and shine. It reminds me that I don’t belong in the dust. I belong in the stars and that’s where I should be headed.And that little bit of me… that’s the one I love the most!”

“Comfort rarely produces great art.”

“The Destination of Life is Death. Still we ignore Death and live a life of Illusions. Our Goal of life is to Realize God before our final Breath!”

“What matters is not how many miles you run… What matters is whether you are having Fun!”

“Imagination is activating the SIM card of your superconscious.”

“One of the biggest obstacles to obtaining goals is not making a plan. If you really want to achieve something, write down a plan of attack right now.”

“If you design a compelling future, it’s easier to push yourself because your vision will pull you.”

“Doing the best we can manage in the present moment is the pathway to a beautiful future.”