“Don’t race through life; pace every moment with purpose, pause regularly to lace the love of family & friends, and leave a mark that generations after you can trace to the top.”

“We are travelers traveling together in this wonderful journey called life! Sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are sad. But as long as we will travel together we will make our journey a beautiful one!”

“Life is a jungle, and we may not always have a map for it. Sometimes, it is for the best to get lost and make a house of hope in the middle of nowhere and let the sky and the stars lead you wherever your soul desires.Hope itself is light enough to illuminate the dark paths.”

“Life is a jungle, and we may not always have a map for it. Sometimes, it is for the bestto get lost and make a house of hope in the middle of nowhere and let the sky and the stars lead you wherever your soul desires.Hope itself is light enough to illuminate the dark paths.”

“Maybe you’re not perfect, but you certainly are not unworthy. You are beautiful. A flower with a petal still unfurled does not lack in fragrance.”

“The world’s most gracious plant is a flower; even when you trample it, it perfumes your feet.”

“Think about your future in a positive way and you will move towards your goals”

“Have no fear of death, no fear of life, no fear of being yourself. Your only fear should be to become what a mediocre world wants you to be.”

“The most important project you will ever work on, is you”