All Quotes By Tag: Philosophy
“If there is to be toleration in the world, one of the things taught in schools must be the habit of weighing evidence, and the practice of not giving full assent to propositions which there is no reason to believe true. For example, the art of reading the newspapers should be taught. The schoolmaster should select some incident which happened a good many years ago, and roused political passions in its day. 41 He should then read to the school children what was said by the newspapers on one side, what was said by those on the other, and some impartial account of what really happened. He should show how, from the biased account of either side, a practised reader could infer what really happened, and he should make them understand that everything in newspapers is more or less untrue. The cynical scepticism which would result from this teaching would make the children in later life immune from those appeals to idealism by which decent people are induced to further the schemes of scoundrels.”
“Every math problem is hard if you don’t know how to solve it.”
“To be free one must be a slave to reason. But to be a slave to reason (the very condition of freedom) exposes one to both the revisionary power and the constructive compulsion of reason. This susceptibility is terminally amplified once the commitment to the autonomy of reason and autonomous engagement with discursive practices are sufficiently elaborated. That is to say, when the autonomy of reason is understood as the automation of reason and discursive practices—the philosophical rather than classically symbolic thesis regarding artificial general intelligence.”
“When the asylum has moved to paint the house white, those left underground will have to ensure the sanctity of the house above.”
“I think everything begins and ends with philosophy. Philosophy is not appreciated and is marginal now.”
“Analysis of error begins with analysis of language.”
“Even when I walk with Buddha the path is endless.”
“When apologizing to someone for your mistakes, try to reflect deeply upon on the actions that was unethical or immoral sincerely with regret, so he or she can forgive you.”
“Don’t get involved , interfere or put your nose in other people problems, relationships, lifestyle and business. If you are not providing a solution.”
“I believe creeds aren’t worth the paper they are written on…But I still believe in God. I believe that if you look at my life, you’ll only sometimes see what I believe. I believe that if we have two coats, we should give one away (though I don’t do it). Today I don’t believe in anything; tomorrow who knows. I sometimes believe in God- one who existed before time, beyond gender or fathom. Make of heaven and earth and ginger (all good things), whales, two-hundred-foot cliffs, cloud banks, shipwrecks, And in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost- how? Born of a fourteen-year-old, Mary, scared out of her wits. Was crucified, dead, and buried, and I used to believe in the penal substitution theory of atonement, but now I just see a violent death and struggle to see how violence can ever be redemptive… He descended into hell, or was hell all around him all the time? The third day he rose again from the dead.He ascended into safety of abstraction, away from having to feel this, from dealing with this, And sits, maybe sprawls, on the right hand of God the Father Almighty. I believe in me; I believe in the Spirit, Sophia, wisdom… The holy catholic (i.e., everybody) Church; The Communion of saints; does this mean me? LOVE The Forgiveness of sins (but I still feel shame); (don’t you?) The Resurrection of the body. I believe in singing the body electric And the life everlasting, A life we find right here in our midst”
“I believe creeds aren’t worth the paper they are written on…But I still believe in God. I believe that if you look at my life, you’ll only sometimes see what I believe. I believe that if we have two coats, we should give one away (though I don’t do it). Today I don’t believe in anything; tomorrow who knows. I sometimes believe in God- one who existed before time, beyond gender or fathom. Maker of heaven and earth and ginger (all good things), whales, two-hundred-foot cliffs, cloud banks, shipwrecks, And in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost- how? Born of a fourteen-year-old, Mary, scared out of her wits. Was crucified, dead, and buried, and I used to believe in the penal substitution theory of atonement, but now I just see a violent death and struggle to see how violence can ever be redemptive… He descended into hell, or was hell all around him all the time? The third day he rose again from the dead.He ascended into safety of abstraction, away from having to feel this, from dealing with this, And sits, maybe sprawls, on the right hand of God the Father Almighty. I believe in me; I believe in the Spirit, Sophia, wisdom… The holy catholic (i.e., everybody) Church; The Communion of saints; does this mean me? LOVE The Forgiveness of sins (but I still feel shame); (don’t you?) The Resurrection of the body. I believe in singing the body electric And the life everlasting, A life we find right here in our midst”
“إن الله لا يحب للإنسان أن يكون مجرَّد عبد، وإنما خليفة ربَّاني، لا يأخذ فقط مثل عبد، وإنما يعطي كإله، أن يعطي من أعظم ما يملكه، من حياته، يعطي أوقاتا للألم والعذاب، ويتجمَّل بالصَّبر، صبر يليق بخليفة ربَّاني”
“Ничего, ничего нет верного, кроме ничтожества всего того, что мне понятно, и величия чего-то непонятного, но важнейшего!”
“Truth is the nucleus to which all philosophies circulate.”
“What we choose to fight is so tiny! What fights with us is so great.”