“…[R]eal wisdom is the property of God, and… human wisdom has little or no value.”

“…[T]hese people… are my dangerous accusers; because those who hear them suppose that anyone who inquires into such matters… theories about the heavens… and everything below the earth… must be an atheist.”

“When one gathers all the books of all worldly religions, when one beholds (dharan) them, then the phenomenon of religious upholding (dharma dharan) occurs. When that religious upholding becomes 100% strong, then the essence [marma] begins to manifest. When the essence becomes 100% strong, then the extract of the Knowledge [gnanark] begins to manifest. Here, we make you ‘drink’ (absorb) directly, the ‘Extract of the Knowledge’.”

“It is of the very nature of partial seeing that we cannot see all the reconciliation of the parts we see, because it is only in the whole that they are one, and we do not see the whole. The word we form cannot wholly express God: only the Word He generates can do that. To be irked at this necessary darkness is as though we were irked at not being God.”

“Unknowing, or agnosia, is not ignorance or absence of knowledge as ordinarily understood, but rather the realization that no finite knowledge can fully know the Infinite One, and that therefore He is only truly to be approached by agnosia, or by that which is beyond and above knowledge.”

“If there is knowledge we shall seek, we must search for the excellent knowledge of Christ Jesus.”

“I am pain stricken to say that, various “educational” institutions have adopted the medieval doctrine “fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom” as their motto. Let me tell you this, fear of the Lord, Santa Claus, Krishna, Thor, Hulk or any other imaginary being brings merely the illusion of wisdom, not wisdom. And illusion of wisdom is a billion times more harmful than lack of wisdom.”

“Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.”Luke 11:52”

“My pursuit of spirituality does not consist of ritual, nor of regimen. My spirituality is embodied by laughter and heartfelt enjoyments. My spirituality does not make me look serious and dignified. But my spirituality makes me look awe-inspired like a child. Try to take this away from me and I will run from what you try to feed me. There is no truer truth than innocence, no truer truth than joy.”

“Aujourd’hui je réalise que j’ai ”’#1000 Raisons ”’ : -#1000 Raisons de ne dire que du bien et de m’abstenir de dire du mal. -#1000 Raisons d’être discret quant a ma personne… et encore plus quant au autres. -#1000 Raisons d’être sage….même si tout le monde ne l’est pas. -#1000 Raisons de descendre des nuages…sans pour autant m’arrêter de voler. -#1000 Raisons d’être franc…même si le mensonge est a la mode. -#1000 Raisons de songer au bonheur de ma tite personne …sans oublier les malheurs de l’humanité!!! -#1000 Raisons d’être quelqu’un de bien , de libre et de plus authentique…dans le monde corrompue d’aujourd’hui ! * -#1000 Raisons de chercher la perfection sans ignorer l’imperfection humaine ! -#1000 Raisons d’aimer mon prochain et d’aider autant que je peut ! -#1000 Raisons d’hâter mes pas dans le droit chemin peut importe les obstacles -#1000 Raisons de me réconcilier avec l’amour du savoir et la passion du partage -#1000 Raisons de conquérir les mers du savoir en admettant mon ignorance * -#1000 Raisons de d’AGIR* plutôt que de parler …et de PARLER* quand il le faut!!! -#1000 Raisons de m’inspirer et inspirer les gens pour un monde meilleur ! ”..par se qu’il y’a plein de raisons pour que nous continuons de mûrir et que se monde puisse nous cueillir tels des fruits avant de périr.” #be_inspired”

“The truest knowledge is the fear of God.”

“Choosing comfort over knowledge is a sign of a weak mind..”

“The greatest KNOWLEDGE is the knowledge of GOD.”

“The more I attempted to escape through self-consultation, self-help therapies, psychology, psychiatry, and self-analysis, the more frustrated I became.”

“I had erroneously become convinced that I had the power to alter my reality, when in fact it was demonic spirits that were at work in my life.”