All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“My pursuit of spirituality does not consist of ritual, nor of regimen. My spirituality is embodied by laughter and heartfelt enjoyments. My spirituality does not make me look serious and dignified. But my spirituality makes me look awe-inspired like a child. Try to take this away from me and I will run from what you try to feed me. There is no truer truth than innocence, no truer truth than joy.”
“Aujourd’hui je réalise que j’ai ”’#1000 Raisons ”’ : -#1000 Raisons de ne dire que du bien et de m’abstenir de dire du mal. -#1000 Raisons d’être discret quant a ma personne… et encore plus quant au autres. -#1000 Raisons d’être sage….même si tout le monde ne l’est pas. -#1000 Raisons de descendre des nuages…sans pour autant m’arrêter de voler. -#1000 Raisons d’être franc…même si le mensonge est a la mode. -#1000 Raisons de songer au bonheur de ma tite personne …sans oublier les malheurs de l’humanité!!! -#1000 Raisons d’être quelqu’un de bien , de libre et de plus authentique…dans le monde corrompue d’aujourd’hui ! * -#1000 Raisons de chercher la perfection sans ignorer l’imperfection humaine ! -#1000 Raisons d’aimer mon prochain et d’aider autant que je peut ! -#1000 Raisons d’hâter mes pas dans le droit chemin peut importe les obstacles -#1000 Raisons de me réconcilier avec l’amour du savoir et la passion du partage -#1000 Raisons de conquérir les mers du savoir en admettant mon ignorance * -#1000 Raisons de d’AGIR* plutôt que de parler …et de PARLER* quand il le faut!!! -#1000 Raisons de m’inspirer et inspirer les gens pour un monde meilleur ! ”..par se qu’il y’a plein de raisons pour que nous continuons de mûrir et que se monde puisse nous cueillir tels des fruits avant de périr.” #be_inspired”
“The truest knowledge is the fear of God.”
“Choosing comfort over knowledge is a sign of a weak mind..”
“The greatest KNOWLEDGE is the knowledge of GOD.”
“The more I attempted to escape through self-consultation, self-help therapies, psychology, psychiatry, and self-analysis, the more frustrated I became.”
“I had erroneously become convinced that I had the power to alter my reality, when in fact it was demonic spirits that were at work in my life.”
“The theory behind vegetarian eating as the highest form of purity led me to campaign tirelessly for animal rights. Many times I considered animal rights to be more important than human priorities. I didn’t realize until years later that I was developing an attitude towards animals I had rejected growing up in India. Some animals were becoming sacred in my eyes. And I was placing their value well above that of human beings.”
“The same attitude sparked my extreme attempts to protect the environment. Nature was a goddess, part of Mother Earth, to be reverenced and honored. Nature had to be allowed to survive, even at the expense of human needs. In my holistic reasoning, I saw the created as the Creator–I deified nature and man–”
“Without fully realizing it, however, I was actually placing myself in a godlike position of authority.”
“So it was that I justified my morals and ethics. Everything became relative.”
“Although I had become disillusioned with certain aspects of Roman Catholicism, yet I was finding similarities between that religious system and my new-found philosophies. I sought to clear up my own confusions by developing an ecumenical reasoning, accommodating both Christian and Hindu schools of thought. This led to a sense of spiritual superiority for being ‘tolerant’ both of Eastern and Western religions. I welcomed the idea that all paths led to the same God and that all beliefs were equal.”
“Despite our live-for-today philosophy, eventually tomorrow came. Upon returning home, I discovered with dismay that my bank accounts were almost empty.”
“Life was very good to me. Yet I also recall an increasing frequency of deep, inner pain. I remember days of depression. I can still feel the loneliness and the struggle. What was happening? I had every material thing and achieved all the success I could ask for. Yet I felt emotionally bankrupt.”
“Back in the days before CDs, or even cassette recordings, I would spend hours consumed with listening to rhythmic vinyl record albums, unaware that they infiltrated my subconscious with mystical religiosity.”