All Quotes By Tag: Religious
“If I were to construct a God I would furnish Him with some way and qualities and characteristics which the Present lacks.”
“We are not sheep or cows. God didn’t create fences for us or boundaries to contain our nationalities. Man did. God didn’t draw up religious barriers to separate us from each other. Man did. And on top of that, no father would like to see his children fighting or killing each other. The Creator favors the man who spreads loves over the man who spreads hate. A religious title does not make anyone more superior over another. If a kind man stands by his conscience and exhibits truth in his words and actions, he will stand by God regardless of his faith. If mankind wants to evolve, we must learn from our past mistakes. If not, our technology will evolve without us.”
“But what if you’re wrong?What if there’s more?What if there’s hope you never dreamed of hoping for?What if you jump?And just close your eyes?What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise?What if He’s more than enough?What if it’s love?”
“Is anything too hard for the Lord? (Genesis 18:14)”
“I know I’m not God, are you? Don’t be silly.God? God? Everybody’s God? Don’t be silly.”
“Nobody can turn you into a slave unless you allow them. Nobody can make you afraid of anything, unless you allow them. Nobody can tell you to do something wrong, unless you allow them. God never created you to be a slave, man did. God never created division or set up any borders between brothers, man did. God never told you hurt or kill another, man did. So why is man your god, and not the Creator?”
“God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.”
“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
“For the happy man prayer is only a jumble of words, until the day when sorrow comes to explain to him the sublime language by means of which he speaks to God.”
“When every hope is gone, ‘when helpers fail and comforts flee,’ I find that help arrives somehow, from I know not where. Supplication, worship, prayer are no superstition; they are acts more real than the acts of eating, drinking, sitting or walking. It is no exaggeration to say that they alone are real, all else is unreal.”
“Quit questioning God and start trusting Him!”
“Науката казва докажи ми и ще повярвам, а вярата казва повярвай и ще ти докажа!”
“Ние строим духовно пречиствателна станция.”
“Христовият мир е свобода от греха, а мирът на света е свобода на греха…”
“И на съвършените съвършенството е несъвършено. Св. Иоан Лествичник”