“stronger than mountains.a place where my heart feels the safest- underneath his shirt.”

“i immersemyselfin youlikei immerse myselfinto a beautiful story.”

“My hearts been fleeting up so high,I’m longing for the leaps of the day & heaps of the night to pace my soul with a subtle sublimity of myth.”

“Suffering awakes the spiritual soul of the spirit.”

“… the room rose in a rhythmic swaying motion, eyes ablaze or closed in tight serenity, afraid to let go of the emotion, joy, suffering and pain merged in the euphoria of the moment. (Vindication Across Time)”

“It takes but a handful of words to ambush my soul with hope. Yet, the vexing question in it all is why do I so often ambush the words?”

“Wherever you go in life, go with love in your heart, hope in your soul, and joy in your mind. For love, hope and joy will take you far.”

“If you’re wandering,pondering,in vain,or astray,surrender to your soul.It only has its arms open for you.”

“The whole universe came together to consummate a wonderful soul, you.”

“Soul is not even that Crackerjack prize that God and Satan scuffle over after the worms have all licked our bones. That’s why, when we ponder–as sooner or later each of us must–exactly what we ought to be doing about our soul, religion is the wrong, if conventional, place to turn. Religion is little more than a transaction in which troubled people trade their souls for temporary and wholly illusionary psychological comfort–the old give-it-up-in-order-to-save-it routine. Religions lead us to believe that the soul is the ultimate family jewel and that in return for our mindless obedience, they can secure it for us in their vaults, or at least insure it against fire theft. They are mistaken.”

“Love SongHow can I keep my soul in me, so thatit doesn’t touch your soul? How can I raiseit high enough, past you, to other things?I would like to shelter it, among remotelost objects, in some dark and silent placethat doesn’t resonate when your depths resound.Yet everything that touches us, me and you,takes us together like a violin’s bow,which draws one voice out of two separate strings.Upon what instrument are we two spanned?And what musician holds us in his hand?Oh sweetest song.”

“The most powerful affirmation doesn’t come from the conscious mind but from your Soul, an affirmation in which you are not trying to convince yourself of something you don’t believe, but rather you are becoming aware of the truth and the reality of what you truly are.”

“Darkness only rushes in when the light is extinguished,”

“These people will try to manipulate you, try to bring you down but remember baby girl you are a queen, own your crown.”