All Quotes By Tag: Spirituality
“In a world full of automated responses be the one who responds personally!”
“At one point in your life you start to understand that all what really matters is the love you give and the love you receive.”
“Our imperfection is the perfect experience of being human.”
“And the love in their eyes set the world on fire.”
“Sometimes we forget to see the magic in the most simple things.”
“You know you became a leader when people start to copy you!”
“I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, because I’m a kick butt cappuccino with extra milk fluff and chocolate sprinkles!”
“The relationship among faith, knowledge, and belief is suggested by a story involving the famous depth psychologist Carl Jung. In the last year of his life, he was interviewed for a BBC television documentary. The interviewer asked him, “Dr. Jung, do you believe in God?” Jung said, “Believe? I do not believe in God – I know.” The point: the more one knows God, the less faith as belief is involved. But faith as belief still has a role: it can provide a basis for responding even when one does not know for sure, and it can also get one through periods of time in which firsthand experiences of God are lacking.”
“Resurrection” does not mean resumption of previous existence but entry into a different kind of existence.”
“… rather than God being “out there” in the heights, God is known in the depths of personal experience.”
“One must die to an old way of being in order to enter a new way of being… salvation is resurrection to a new way of being here and now.”
“The castle’s chapel has been remade. The glass-and-gold chandelier still floats in the center of the room, the wires holding it up too thin to be seen by candlelight. All these electric miracles. The windows depicting the angels praising Our Lady have remained intact, as have the panels to Saint Theresa and Saint Jerome. The others—and the enameled paintings in the cupola—have been replaced and reimagined according to the New Scripture. There is the Almighty speaking to the Matriarch Rebecca in the form of a dove. There is the Prophet Deborah proclaiming the Holy Word to the disbelieving people. There—although she protested—is Mother Eve, the symbolic tree behind her, receiving the message from the Heavens and extending her hand filled with lightning. In the center of the cupola is the hand with the all-seeing eye at its heart. That is the symbol of God, Who watches over each of us, and Whose mighty hand is outstretched to both the powerful and the enslaved.”
“You are more than a survivor. You have been transformed.”
“You must be a myth that your lover can’t graspand you must chase the moon like a wolf in the night, as if it will show you something only you can understand. Everything you do is a ritual that can mean something more and you must connect and create bonds with the spirits both outer and inner. Seek the strange and mysterious, otherworldly explanations for yourself and things around. There is always more. Always more.Nothing is ordinary,and you must make love to him like his touch is your salvation.You must dare to love and lose and hear your heart break into a million little pieces, glittering like diamonds in the night.Don’t run into hiding when the rain hits us like planets shot down to see who wants to survivethe mostfor you want to survive the mostand you must not hide from madness.You must love and live and write like you’re obsessed and possessed. Go mad for what you believe in.”
“Miracles do happen. In faith lies the power of spirituality”